Welcome to the mind of Martel Prophet. Six pound records own. Here I'm just sharing my views & opinions about Music, entertainment, love, money & life in general. Id love to see what peoples opinions are on a lot of different things. Opinions are like belly buttons every body has 1. These are mine. Enjoy!!
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- Martel Prophet
- If you dont like to think & you spend your whole life not trying to understand anything. Then get off my Blog.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Why Charlie Sheen is my Hero ( for now!)
Ok, People may read the title & say Martel is buggin or wildin or whatever type of terminology youd like to use to describe the statement. The fact is like my hero Charlie Sheen I dont care. (lol) Look at this dude. He's 45 which in this day & age is not old. Hes a pretty young guy living the rock star life. Hes had major success. Some could say that was attributed by his father Martin Sheen. Which I would also agree with to a certain extent. Having a hollywood legend as your dad will obviously open up some doors for you. However once those doors are open you have to deliver. We've seen time & time again people who knew the right people had great opportunities but they failed. Why? They just didnt have it. Talent, personality etc... This dude Sheen is exactly what I tell people to be. Or at least he appears to be it now. Obviously his past behavior & actions arent worthy of praise. Drug use, violent behavior, abuse of alcohol. But now the image at least he is portraying is a man with a new sense of self realization. Hes had an epiphany. He realizes that reality is malleable (you can mold it) Nothing is written in stone. People as he would call them "Normal people" See his current behavior & statements & say he's crazy. I actually listened to him with an open mind & comprehend his mentality. If you live by rules created by others to conform you & categorize you into box then you wont get it. If you understand the power of self destiny & taking responsibility & control of your life, Not being type cast into some black & white perception created by others of what you should say or how you should live. Then you'd realize he is empowering himself. He is winning. He's young has a beautiful family. He's wealthy & successful. He spent a huge part of his life enjoying life ( albeit dangerously with drugs & alcohol, I wouldn't recommend it) However he lived through it & survived it. Not every one is so lucky. He's still successful, rich & alive. He is winning. He recognized his problem & instead of relying on others or external forces to tell him how he should better himself. He reached down with in himself & as he said " cured his brain" This is incredible. He's not playing with his enemies. He knows who & what is against him & he is writing a playbook on how to win. Defeat is not an option. In this world youre either a leader, some one with conviction who can will people to greatness as well as your self or youre a follower. A follower has to have faith in some one else to achieve greatness. A leader creates success & brings his followers along for the ride. Now will Sheen relapse & crash & burn? I hope not. Hopefully he continues on this path of Mental strength. So all I can say is for now he's my hero.(lol) I hope he stays this way. For the people who laugh at him or think he's crazy. Well I have to admit I laughed too. He's funny! He's eyes are extra wide when he speaks his movements & mannerisms are a little off, Hes talks with a passion that makes him look crazy. However thats all superficial things. If you look deeper you'll see although his behavior look crazy. The words may sound crazy but they aren't. They're a blueprint on how to recreate your self as a winner, leader & some one who can create their own destiny & success with out leaving room for failure. With that said. I salute you Mr Sheen.
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