Welcome to the mind of Martel Prophet. Six pound records own. Here I'm just sharing my views & opinions about Music, entertainment, love, money & life in general. Id love to see what peoples opinions are on a lot of different things. Opinions are like belly buttons every body has 1. These are mine. Enjoy!!
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- Martel Prophet
- If you dont like to think & you spend your whole life not trying to understand anything. Then get off my Blog.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Safety Knights in Harlem ( We need more of these)
When I saw this story on Yahoo.com. I had to click on it & read it. Its about a group of individuals that patrol the Harlem streets for an after school program so that children in that program can walk home safely. After reading it I felt a sense of satisfaction. The reason is because although its not like the black panther party. It made me think about them. Originally the black panthers were just people in the urban black community who were tired. They were fed up. They wanted to be treated like Equal human beings in their neighborhoods. They didn't want Drug dealers or gang banners controlling the streets & instilling fear in the residents. They wanted their children to be fed & educated. They wanted to provide a sense of safety & assurance that the people in their neighborhood could live a peaceful life & that not just anybody could come in there & act crazy with out them having something to say about that. Whether it was Racist or even prejudice police. This to me is what every neighborhood needs. Neighborhood watches are cool. However I think we need a group of Take no Nonsense take individuals who are just as bad ass as the Gangs & just as disciplined as police or military to make sure our communities are good. I think the whole stop snitching thing is played out. I'm going on record saying that. People should snitch for certain things. If your neighbor is selling some dime bags of Marijuana & the people who buy from him are respectful. Meaning they don't smoke in your hall way & leave broken dutches & spit on your floors etc... I think hey mind my business & let that man make his money. However when dudes are just disrespectful to their neighbors & leave garbage & graffiti on the walls I think we should start saying something. Black people need to have respect for each other & our buildings, hallways & neighborhoods. We have to start letting everybody know were not going to put up with this disgusting Bull shit anymore. It don't matter if you live in the PJs. Treat where you live with respect PERIOD! We shouldn't let people think for a second its ok to terrorize the neighborhood or shoot some 1 with out consequences. That's what the no snitching thing is doing. Im starting to realize this as I get older. Its not cool. There's a reason other communities neighborhoods are cleaner & over all better. The people who live in those area keep their neighbor hoods clean respect each other more & have pride in them self. They also pick up that damn phone & call 911 if some one gets out of line. It goes against a lot of the codes some black folks follow. However you gotta open your eyes. who benefits from us allowing each other to be keep our neighbor hoods dirty filled with gangs & disproportionately disadvantaged from other communities. Who benefits when our children dont get educated & join gangs & sell drugs & become unemployed & start robbing stealing & become criminals. Do I really have to say who the enemy to our community is? Our enemy is smart. They have created an enviornment where they don't have to destroy us. We destroy our self. They sit back a reap all the benefits. We need to stop this Thug life gangsta break laws don't care about our neighbor or neighbors mentality. Our enemy is winning with out even fighting as hard. Why should our enemy fight hard when we're doing the job for them?
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