Entry2 How to figure out of you are an un-date-able female.
Are you un date-able or one of those I just want to hit it & bounce type chicks? Well here are some signs you can check. 1)You are very picky yet every dude who fits your criteria only hits it Then quits it. 2) You think youre too good for certain guys, yet the guys you want think theyre too good for you. 3) A guy youve dated cheated on you with a girl who was less attractive. 4)People call you a snob. 5) People call you a gold digger. 6)Your ex calls you crazy or bi polar. 7)guys dont show interest in you until you make sexual advances. 8) Guys dont want to spend money on you Or they only want to spend money if you give them some sexual favor. 9)Guys think youre pretty but your personality sucks. 10)You read this & more than 5 of them apply to you. WOw you need to really evaluate yourself & make some positive changes
Entry 1
I have a problem with the idea that Astrology is a good way to gauge whether if a person is compatible with you or not. Honestly if 10 people are born on the same day & of course would be the same astrological sign. Why is it then that each person could have totally different personalities live totally different life styles & yet when people meet them & ask them whats your sign? Once the asker hears the answer they feel they can completely figure out that person?
I think the whole idea of astrology is an attempt by the human mind to feel as if we have control over our reality. Which is ironic b/c its a belief that the stars control peoples personalities. However let me explain why I feel this hurts dating & is an attempt by people to control.
People feel safer & comfortable when they have the perception that they are in control. If I can feel that just by knowing your sign I can some how know who you are entirely placing you in a box. I can then say well I dont want to get involved with this person. This give me some comfort that I am in control. I can choose my destiny romantically by pretty disqualifying people based on their sign. Its comforting to people to be able to encapsulate people into lil categories & boxes. It helps to build a safe familiar reality. They can say this person is bad let me stay away & this person is good let me interact. When you start to challenge their perspective in a way that can shatter their reality people become very upset because it destroys their reality.
No one wants to feel out of control. Its a scary & negative emotion. They want to feel like they have a grasp of their world & life. Especially when it comes to romance & finding a potential mate.
My perception about people when dating is people should just relax. Talk to people. Converse with them. Watch their behavior. Do not judge or pre- judge people based on race or nationality or definitely not their astrological sign.
Welcome to the mind of Martel Prophet. Six pound records own. Here I'm just sharing my views & opinions about Music, entertainment, love, money & life in general. Id love to see what peoples opinions are on a lot of different things. Opinions are like belly buttons every body has 1. These are mine. Enjoy!!
About Me

- Martel Prophet
- If you dont like to think & you spend your whole life not trying to understand anything. Then get off my Blog.