For every race interracial dating is a touchy subject. I sit back sometimes & analyze the human race. If you could just for a second look at our Species from an objective point of view. Imagine how another race who was intelligent might look at our behavior. The racism, prejudices, hatred & complete ignorance. Our species has achieved so much in comparison to other animals or life forms on this planet. However When we look at our over all behavior you realize something. Everything we take for granted. Our technology our Systems of government, Law & order. Even the way we spend money. All these things were created & designed by a small group of people. These individuals have the intelligence to create technology. The intelligence to create & organize our laws & society. However over all most people aren't that smart or organized. They're ignorant. They have to put others down to build them self up. They're vulgar disgusting. It makes me think how easy it is for the people in power to maintain that power. Its like humanity are all sheep. Hey which brings me back to Interracial dating. People probably like what is this guy talking about. Well The point I'm making is interracial dating shouldn't even be a problem. We're all apart of the same species. We are all humans. The mere fact that some people have an issue with interracial dating just goes to show you how primitive & ignorant we are as a people. We all breathe the same air. We all share this world. We drink the same water. No one race is better or less than another race. This mentality that you're some how upgrading your life if you marry a white person or downgrading if you marry an Indian person is insane. INSANE!
In this world Blacks, Whites, Latinos all races have slightly different customs cultures etc... In America the great melting pot. These customs some times blend cross over etc... However its disproportionate how many black women come from single parent homes. You can blame racism Willie Lynch tactics implemented by white racist through out American history for this phenomenon. However the fact is a lot more Asian & white women come from 2 parent homes. Im no sociologist but I can Surmise that this impacts how a Women can perceive a family's structure. Sometimes you hear a white knows her place better. At 1st it sounds prejudice & some what belittling to white women. But then I thought about it. If a white women grew up in a house hold with 2 parents. Its nature that Genders naturally fall into certain roles sometimes. The husband works does yard work fixes the cars, light fixtures & boilers etc... The wife may work but usually cooks & does laundry & spends more time with the kids. You can argue that. Some one who only had 1 parent may have no seen that. Some times its said that Asians, Indians Whites treat their men differently. hahaha I aint gonna say the word better. but some people would say that. However what I think happens is the same thing. When you grow up in a house hold with just a mom. I mean she is super mom. She does everything. Shes strong don't take no crap. You can become that. Of course also single moms usually talk really badly about men so Black girls can sometimes grow up feeling like Men especially aint Sh*t. All this plays a role in how some black women because not all black women are like this but some may treat their man. It may explain the attitude some people say some black women have. I'm not saying this is right or wrong. I'm just putting it out there. Stay tuned for Interracial dating part 3.
Welcome to the mind of Martel Prophet. Six pound records own. Here I'm just sharing my views & opinions about Music, entertainment, love, money & life in general. Id love to see what peoples opinions are on a lot of different things. Opinions are like belly buttons every body has 1. These are mine. Enjoy!!
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- Martel Prophet
- If you dont like to think & you spend your whole life not trying to understand anything. Then get off my Blog.
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