You ever noticed when ever somebody talks about change everybody usually is on board. Its, "Yeah we need a change". "We gotta make things better". Everybody is on the band wagon until they realize Oh shit that means I gotta change up some stuff too. Then its like "Nah Im not feeling this". "This aint what I wanted" People are always under the illusion that change is some how an easy process. The funny thing is they always say I know its not going to be easy, yet as soon as it reveals itself to be difficult they want to complain , whine ,point fingers & pretty much stall any progress that could have been achieved if they only showed some self discipline & compromised with others to create positive change.
One reason I bring this up is because Obama & his presidency is a perfect example of how negativity ignorance & pure laziness can can turn something so beautiful into a firestorm of negative criticism, disloyalty & betrayal. So many people were elated with the election of Obama. People were screaming yes we can & frankly Yes we did. He & this Nation accomplished something beautiful. We showed that at least a majority of American can see pass color or race. Now that Majority can be scrutinized & examined. People can say well not everybody votes & when you add the people who didn't vote at all with the racist ones who did even after excluding the people who voted for McCain who weren't racist. You's still have alot more prejudice people than non prejudice. You could argue that.
However Lets stay on topic. Obama pretty much inherited a Rolls Royce ( America) that was beaten down wrecked dented & neglected by George Bush. Bush towards the end I guess started to try to fix his mess with the financial bail outs he initiated. However by the time Obama was elected into office The Country ( Rolls Royce) was about to break down. Now Obama had to play Mechanic & Chief & get to work. Now if you demolished a vehicle & brought it to a mechanic. Im pretty sure you wouldn't call this Guy 2 days later asking is the Car fixed? LOL! than 4 days later is the Car fixed? LOl. You wouldnt. You'd understand that he has to order new parts, work long hours perhaps rebuild the engine. Its insane how people thought Obama was Merlin the Magician or something. Like he was going to snap his fingers & every one was going to get a job a new house & money in the bank.
If you ask me its hasnt even been 2 & a half years. The stock Market is doing Great. Companies are reporting record profits. The war in Iraq is over. The War in Afghanistan is dwindling down. The recession is over. The unemployment rate drop a full percentage point & is still going down. Of course there are more things to be fixed but Damn! look at the Job this Man is doing. he passed a Historic health care law. He passed the Start treaty to lower Nuclear missiles. In just 2 years America is starting to look a whole lot better than it has in over 8 yrs. Its starting to get that Rolls Royce Shine back. The problem is people are petty & dont want to be optimistic. They hear certain benefits might be cut, Certain things they're use to may end. They cant deal with the truth that America perhaps cant afford for you to sit on your ass all day & do nothing but still get a check. Maybe its time for you to go out in the world contribute & earn money. Of course some people out there have different situations. But Im talking about the ones who can get up work yet choose not to. It makes me laugh that they complain criticize & want to talk bad about Obama. I wont even get into the racist. Obviously they hate him because he's black. Thats another topic. C'mon people we can compromise sacrifice & get this done. We can support Obama & our communities & make positive change Happen.
Welcome to the mind of Martel Prophet. Six pound records own. Here I'm just sharing my views & opinions about Music, entertainment, love, money & life in general. Id love to see what peoples opinions are on a lot of different things. Opinions are like belly buttons every body has 1. These are mine. Enjoy!!
About Me

- Martel Prophet
- If you dont like to think & you spend your whole life not trying to understand anything. Then get off my Blog.
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