I'm the type of guy who tries to stay informed & as a result the knowledge I gain I try to share with my family & friends. Now that I have a lil fan base that I appreciate. I try to keep you informed as well. I love yall I gotta make sure you all got it together you know.
Well I'm putting my business out there but I think its important for all races & ethnicity's to get TESTED! I don't mean S.A.T's or city exam for a job lol. I mean tested for H.I.V & S.T.D's I'm happy to report that my results are Good I am H.I.V negative. To be honest it's scary going through the test. Not that they do anything scary to you. Its actually easy. They have a rapid H.I.V test that takes about 2 minutes to take & you get your results in about a hour or so. The scary part of course is waiting in the waiting area. So many thought run through your head. How ever its all worth it. Knowing your status is better for you & for any one your having sex with. It keeps you safe as well as your sexual partners.
We have to kill that ignorant belief that I dont want to know attitude is ok. Its not it only endangers you & people you love. Worse case scenario is you are infected. That doesn't mean your Wife or Girl friend is yet. You knowing & telling her can save her from being infected. Knowledge is power. If you are infected its not a death sentence. Early detection can allow you to take meds & live a longer healthy life. You can inform your sexual partners of your status & if they're ok with it You can use protection. Its all about honesty being responsible & informed.
I believe all races should get tested & be vigilant in protecting them self & their sexual partners. But lets face reality. Unfortunately the black community. My community has the highest rate of new H.I.V cases. About Half of all new cases or 45% plus according to the CDC 2007 reports. I think its because we have to change the mentality & perception of how we engage in sexual activity, how we protect our self & how we empower our self to stay healthy & smart.
There are free health clinics that test for free. All you have to do is Google Free STD testing in your Area to find the nearest one to you. They actually give free condoms & free literature to educate you. Also we have to stop this delusion that it cant happen to you. We also have to stop the delusion that you can tell if some one has an std or Aids just by looking at them. Sexually active individuals in Our communities needs to get tested at least once a year, use protection with all sexual partners & encourage them to get tested as well. The lying also has to stop. Lets not lie to our selves & our mates. If you cheat on your Mate use protection including ORAL SEX! All the tools to keep our self safe are right in front of us. Its up to us to take advantage of them & change these statistics. It makes me mad that Aids & other S.T.D'S can be prevented. It just takes people being responsible Honest & informed. Please forward this to all your family & friends. We have to spread the knowledge & practice what we preach. God bless
Welcome to the mind of Martel Prophet. Six pound records own. Here I'm just sharing my views & opinions about Music, entertainment, love, money & life in general. Id love to see what peoples opinions are on a lot of different things. Opinions are like belly buttons every body has 1. These are mine. Enjoy!!
About Me

- Martel Prophet
- If you dont like to think & you spend your whole life not trying to understand anything. Then get off my Blog.
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