Welcome to the mind of Martel Prophet. Six pound records own. Here I'm just sharing my views & opinions about Music, entertainment, love, money & life in general. Id love to see what peoples opinions are on a lot of different things. Opinions are like belly buttons every body has 1. These are mine. Enjoy!!
About Me

- Martel Prophet
- If you dont like to think & you spend your whole life not trying to understand anything. Then get off my Blog.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Martel Prophets Words Of Wisdom
- Loved can't be tested by kisses, but the fine feeling is the tester
- Love isn't a shop where everybody can enter to it for some shopping
- Love which begun with soul flame, often would end with cold and frozen
- All that glitters is not gold
- A thing you don't want is dear any price
- A good neighbor is worth more than a far friend
- A good book is great friend
- A new broom sweeps clean
- A good name is better than riches
- A man becomes learned by asking questions
- A good beginning is half battle
- A rolling stones gathers no moss
- All wealth is the product of labor
- A word once files everywhere
- All the world is a stage
- A help in sincerity is not a hope repay
- A living dog is better than a dead lion
- A good to obey we know how to command
- A man is know by his friends
- Better be free bird than a captive king
- By learning to obey we know to command
- Better late than never
- Make hay while the sun shines
- When that cat's away, the mice will play
- Cross the steam where it is shallowest
- You Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours
- The Sweetest of all is praise
- Early to bed and early rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise if you can't say good words of a person, don't say bad ones
- Those Who Are Able To Control Their Rage Can Conquer Their Most Serious Enemy.
- Knowledge And Skills Are Tools, The Workman Is Character.
- A Healthy Man Has A Hundred Wishes, A Sick Man Has Only One.
- A Medical Doctor Makes One Healthy, The Nature Creates The Health. (Aristotle)
- The Man Who Says He Never Has Time Is The Laziest Man.(Lichtenberg)
- Politeness Is The Oil Which Reduces The Friction Against Each Other. (Democritus).
- Love is beauty, but not every beauty have love
- Love make the weak man become strong and the strong man become weak
- Love isn't the base of happiness, but without love is the base of sadness
- Love likes the fire, it can't be made a fool, it would burn your own
- Love is more kinds, but what is very safe and a eternal is love which come from the door of sweetheart.
- The true love suddenly broken, not only but like the old man who has lost the stick
- True love is love which only for two person, and no place for the third person
- Smile is the shortest distance between two people.
- Real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point.
- You have to endure caterpillars if you want to see butterflies. (Antoine De Saint)
- Only the man who is in the truth is a free man.
- Every dark light is followed by a light morning.
- Laughing is healthy, especially if you laugh about yourself.
- The danger of small mistakes is that those mistakes are not always small.
- To be silent is the biggest art in a conversation.
- The worst in the business world is the situation of no decision. (Napoleon).
- Dig a well before you become thirsty.
- Good manners consist of small sacrifices.
- Ideas Are Only Seeds, To Pick The Crops Needs Perspiration.
- Laziness Makes A Man So Slow That Poverty Soon Overtake Him.
- A Drop Of Ink Can Move A Million People To Think.
- We Can Take From Our Life Up To What We Put To It.
- Real Power Does Not Hit Hard, But Straight To The Point.
- If You Leave Everything To Your Good Luck, Then You Make Your Life A Lottery.
- Real Power Does Not Hit Hard, But Straight To The Point.
- Being Careful In Judging An Opinion Is A Sign Of Wisdom.
- You Recognize Birds From Their Singing, You Do People From Their Talks.
- One Ounce Of Prevent Is Equal To One Pound Of Medicine.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Limitless ( I am)
I just saw the movie Limitless. First & foremost I have to say it was a good movie. It was in my opinion just a fun movie to watch. Don't go in expecting some great moral lesson or key to life outcome. Although if you're a person who believes the abilities the pill in the movie gave the main character Eddie(Bradley Cooper) can be unlocked from within you with out a pill then the movie will be inspirational. I happen to be the type of person who believes all the intelligence creativity & ingenuity that Eddie develops are already there I am just not a character in a sci-fi holly wood movie lol. I have to say this b/c Id never forgive my self if I didn't. DENIRO! is the MAN! Watch the Trailer & I do advise every one to go see this movie. It has action a lil drama, some funny moments & its just fun to watch. If you're a person who believes in limitless potential of the human spirit (with out a pill) Its also something to draw positive energy from. My life script is written by me lol You'll understand what I mean after watching the trailer & or movie.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Battle Los Angeles Movie review
I really enjoyed this movie. A few alien invasion movies let me down. to name 1 Skyline...ewww... Well Battle Los Angeles makes up for that sad excuse for an Alien invasion movie. This movie is filled with action, Its well written. You actually are able to connect with the characters. Yes can you believe they had time between the shooting bombing & action to build the characters so you become invested emotionally in them. This movie is probably a recruiting tool for the Marines & military lol After I saw this I was about to sign up Hoorah!!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Captain America Trailer
THIS LOOKS HOT. The 1st trailer I saw not so much. I guess somebody at the studio was like we need to edit this trailer better to show the action & story of the movie. Well you decide. Enjoy.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I'm the type of guy who tries to stay informed & as a result the knowledge I gain I try to share with my family & friends. Now that I have a lil fan base that I appreciate. I try to keep you informed as well. I love yall I gotta make sure you all got it together you know.
Well I'm putting my business out there but I think its important for all races & ethnicity's to get TESTED! I don't mean S.A.T's or city exam for a job lol. I mean tested for H.I.V & S.T.D's I'm happy to report that my results are Good I am H.I.V negative. To be honest it's scary going through the test. Not that they do anything scary to you. Its actually easy. They have a rapid H.I.V test that takes about 2 minutes to take & you get your results in about a hour or so. The scary part of course is waiting in the waiting area. So many thought run through your head. How ever its all worth it. Knowing your status is better for you & for any one your having sex with. It keeps you safe as well as your sexual partners.
We have to kill that ignorant belief that I dont want to know attitude is ok. Its not it only endangers you & people you love. Worse case scenario is you are infected. That doesn't mean your Wife or Girl friend is yet. You knowing & telling her can save her from being infected. Knowledge is power. If you are infected its not a death sentence. Early detection can allow you to take meds & live a longer healthy life. You can inform your sexual partners of your status & if they're ok with it You can use protection. Its all about honesty being responsible & informed.
I believe all races should get tested & be vigilant in protecting them self & their sexual partners. But lets face reality. Unfortunately the black community. My community has the highest rate of new H.I.V cases. About Half of all new cases or 45% plus according to the CDC 2007 reports. I think its because we have to change the mentality & perception of how we engage in sexual activity, how we protect our self & how we empower our self to stay healthy & smart.
There are free health clinics that test for free. All you have to do is Google Free STD testing in your Area to find the nearest one to you. They actually give free condoms & free literature to educate you. Also we have to stop this delusion that it cant happen to you. We also have to stop the delusion that you can tell if some one has an std or Aids just by looking at them. Sexually active individuals in Our communities needs to get tested at least once a year, use protection with all sexual partners & encourage them to get tested as well. The lying also has to stop. Lets not lie to our selves & our mates. If you cheat on your Mate use protection including ORAL SEX! All the tools to keep our self safe are right in front of us. Its up to us to take advantage of them & change these statistics. It makes me mad that Aids & other S.T.D'S can be prevented. It just takes people being responsible Honest & informed. Please forward this to all your family & friends. We have to spread the knowledge & practice what we preach. God bless
Well I'm putting my business out there but I think its important for all races & ethnicity's to get TESTED! I don't mean S.A.T's or city exam for a job lol. I mean tested for H.I.V & S.T.D's I'm happy to report that my results are Good I am H.I.V negative. To be honest it's scary going through the test. Not that they do anything scary to you. Its actually easy. They have a rapid H.I.V test that takes about 2 minutes to take & you get your results in about a hour or so. The scary part of course is waiting in the waiting area. So many thought run through your head. How ever its all worth it. Knowing your status is better for you & for any one your having sex with. It keeps you safe as well as your sexual partners.
We have to kill that ignorant belief that I dont want to know attitude is ok. Its not it only endangers you & people you love. Worse case scenario is you are infected. That doesn't mean your Wife or Girl friend is yet. You knowing & telling her can save her from being infected. Knowledge is power. If you are infected its not a death sentence. Early detection can allow you to take meds & live a longer healthy life. You can inform your sexual partners of your status & if they're ok with it You can use protection. Its all about honesty being responsible & informed.
I believe all races should get tested & be vigilant in protecting them self & their sexual partners. But lets face reality. Unfortunately the black community. My community has the highest rate of new H.I.V cases. About Half of all new cases or 45% plus according to the CDC 2007 reports. I think its because we have to change the mentality & perception of how we engage in sexual activity, how we protect our self & how we empower our self to stay healthy & smart.
There are free health clinics that test for free. All you have to do is Google Free STD testing in your Area to find the nearest one to you. They actually give free condoms & free literature to educate you. Also we have to stop this delusion that it cant happen to you. We also have to stop the delusion that you can tell if some one has an std or Aids just by looking at them. Sexually active individuals in Our communities needs to get tested at least once a year, use protection with all sexual partners & encourage them to get tested as well. The lying also has to stop. Lets not lie to our selves & our mates. If you cheat on your Mate use protection including ORAL SEX! All the tools to keep our self safe are right in front of us. Its up to us to take advantage of them & change these statistics. It makes me mad that Aids & other S.T.D'S can be prevented. It just takes people being responsible Honest & informed. Please forward this to all your family & friends. We have to spread the knowledge & practice what we preach. God bless
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
You ever noticed when ever somebody talks about change everybody usually is on board. Its, "Yeah we need a change". "We gotta make things better". Everybody is on the band wagon until they realize Oh shit that means I gotta change up some stuff too. Then its like "Nah Im not feeling this". "This aint what I wanted" People are always under the illusion that change is some how an easy process. The funny thing is they always say I know its not going to be easy, yet as soon as it reveals itself to be difficult they want to complain , whine ,point fingers & pretty much stall any progress that could have been achieved if they only showed some self discipline & compromised with others to create positive change.
One reason I bring this up is because Obama & his presidency is a perfect example of how negativity ignorance & pure laziness can can turn something so beautiful into a firestorm of negative criticism, disloyalty & betrayal. So many people were elated with the election of Obama. People were screaming yes we can & frankly Yes we did. He & this Nation accomplished something beautiful. We showed that at least a majority of American can see pass color or race. Now that Majority can be scrutinized & examined. People can say well not everybody votes & when you add the people who didn't vote at all with the racist ones who did even after excluding the people who voted for McCain who weren't racist. You's still have alot more prejudice people than non prejudice. You could argue that.
However Lets stay on topic. Obama pretty much inherited a Rolls Royce ( America) that was beaten down wrecked dented & neglected by George Bush. Bush towards the end I guess started to try to fix his mess with the financial bail outs he initiated. However by the time Obama was elected into office The Country ( Rolls Royce) was about to break down. Now Obama had to play Mechanic & Chief & get to work. Now if you demolished a vehicle & brought it to a mechanic. Im pretty sure you wouldn't call this Guy 2 days later asking is the Car fixed? LOL! than 4 days later is the Car fixed? LOl. You wouldnt. You'd understand that he has to order new parts, work long hours perhaps rebuild the engine. Its insane how people thought Obama was Merlin the Magician or something. Like he was going to snap his fingers & every one was going to get a job a new house & money in the bank.
If you ask me its hasnt even been 2 & a half years. The stock Market is doing Great. Companies are reporting record profits. The war in Iraq is over. The War in Afghanistan is dwindling down. The recession is over. The unemployment rate drop a full percentage point & is still going down. Of course there are more things to be fixed but Damn! look at the Job this Man is doing. he passed a Historic health care law. He passed the Start treaty to lower Nuclear missiles. In just 2 years America is starting to look a whole lot better than it has in over 8 yrs. Its starting to get that Rolls Royce Shine back. The problem is people are petty & dont want to be optimistic. They hear certain benefits might be cut, Certain things they're use to may end. They cant deal with the truth that America perhaps cant afford for you to sit on your ass all day & do nothing but still get a check. Maybe its time for you to go out in the world contribute & earn money. Of course some people out there have different situations. But Im talking about the ones who can get up work yet choose not to. It makes me laugh that they complain criticize & want to talk bad about Obama. I wont even get into the racist. Obviously they hate him because he's black. Thats another topic. C'mon people we can compromise sacrifice & get this done. We can support Obama & our communities & make positive change Happen.
One reason I bring this up is because Obama & his presidency is a perfect example of how negativity ignorance & pure laziness can can turn something so beautiful into a firestorm of negative criticism, disloyalty & betrayal. So many people were elated with the election of Obama. People were screaming yes we can & frankly Yes we did. He & this Nation accomplished something beautiful. We showed that at least a majority of American can see pass color or race. Now that Majority can be scrutinized & examined. People can say well not everybody votes & when you add the people who didn't vote at all with the racist ones who did even after excluding the people who voted for McCain who weren't racist. You's still have alot more prejudice people than non prejudice. You could argue that.
However Lets stay on topic. Obama pretty much inherited a Rolls Royce ( America) that was beaten down wrecked dented & neglected by George Bush. Bush towards the end I guess started to try to fix his mess with the financial bail outs he initiated. However by the time Obama was elected into office The Country ( Rolls Royce) was about to break down. Now Obama had to play Mechanic & Chief & get to work. Now if you demolished a vehicle & brought it to a mechanic. Im pretty sure you wouldn't call this Guy 2 days later asking is the Car fixed? LOL! than 4 days later is the Car fixed? LOl. You wouldnt. You'd understand that he has to order new parts, work long hours perhaps rebuild the engine. Its insane how people thought Obama was Merlin the Magician or something. Like he was going to snap his fingers & every one was going to get a job a new house & money in the bank.
If you ask me its hasnt even been 2 & a half years. The stock Market is doing Great. Companies are reporting record profits. The war in Iraq is over. The War in Afghanistan is dwindling down. The recession is over. The unemployment rate drop a full percentage point & is still going down. Of course there are more things to be fixed but Damn! look at the Job this Man is doing. he passed a Historic health care law. He passed the Start treaty to lower Nuclear missiles. In just 2 years America is starting to look a whole lot better than it has in over 8 yrs. Its starting to get that Rolls Royce Shine back. The problem is people are petty & dont want to be optimistic. They hear certain benefits might be cut, Certain things they're use to may end. They cant deal with the truth that America perhaps cant afford for you to sit on your ass all day & do nothing but still get a check. Maybe its time for you to go out in the world contribute & earn money. Of course some people out there have different situations. But Im talking about the ones who can get up work yet choose not to. It makes me laugh that they complain criticize & want to talk bad about Obama. I wont even get into the racist. Obviously they hate him because he's black. Thats another topic. C'mon people we can compromise sacrifice & get this done. We can support Obama & our communities & make positive change Happen.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Interracial Dating Part 2
For every race interracial dating is a touchy subject. I sit back sometimes & analyze the human race. If you could just for a second look at our Species from an objective point of view. Imagine how another race who was intelligent might look at our behavior. The racism, prejudices, hatred & complete ignorance. Our species has achieved so much in comparison to other animals or life forms on this planet. However When we look at our over all behavior you realize something. Everything we take for granted. Our technology our Systems of government, Law & order. Even the way we spend money. All these things were created & designed by a small group of people. These individuals have the intelligence to create technology. The intelligence to create & organize our laws & society. However over all most people aren't that smart or organized. They're ignorant. They have to put others down to build them self up. They're vulgar disgusting. It makes me think how easy it is for the people in power to maintain that power. Its like humanity are all sheep. Hey which brings me back to Interracial dating. People probably like what is this guy talking about. Well The point I'm making is interracial dating shouldn't even be a problem. We're all apart of the same species. We are all humans. The mere fact that some people have an issue with interracial dating just goes to show you how primitive & ignorant we are as a people. We all breathe the same air. We all share this world. We drink the same water. No one race is better or less than another race. This mentality that you're some how upgrading your life if you marry a white person or downgrading if you marry an Indian person is insane. INSANE!
In this world Blacks, Whites, Latinos all races have slightly different customs cultures etc... In America the great melting pot. These customs some times blend cross over etc... However its disproportionate how many black women come from single parent homes. You can blame racism Willie Lynch tactics implemented by white racist through out American history for this phenomenon. However the fact is a lot more Asian & white women come from 2 parent homes. Im no sociologist but I can Surmise that this impacts how a Women can perceive a family's structure. Sometimes you hear a white knows her place better. At 1st it sounds prejudice & some what belittling to white women. But then I thought about it. If a white women grew up in a house hold with 2 parents. Its nature that Genders naturally fall into certain roles sometimes. The husband works does yard work fixes the cars, light fixtures & boilers etc... The wife may work but usually cooks & does laundry & spends more time with the kids. You can argue that. Some one who only had 1 parent may have no seen that. Some times its said that Asians, Indians Whites treat their men differently. hahaha I aint gonna say the word better. but some people would say that. However what I think happens is the same thing. When you grow up in a house hold with just a mom. I mean she is super mom. She does everything. Shes strong don't take no crap. You can become that. Of course also single moms usually talk really badly about men so Black girls can sometimes grow up feeling like Men especially aint Sh*t. All this plays a role in how some black women because not all black women are like this but some may treat their man. It may explain the attitude some people say some black women have. I'm not saying this is right or wrong. I'm just putting it out there. Stay tuned for Interracial dating part 3.
In this world Blacks, Whites, Latinos all races have slightly different customs cultures etc... In America the great melting pot. These customs some times blend cross over etc... However its disproportionate how many black women come from single parent homes. You can blame racism Willie Lynch tactics implemented by white racist through out American history for this phenomenon. However the fact is a lot more Asian & white women come from 2 parent homes. Im no sociologist but I can Surmise that this impacts how a Women can perceive a family's structure. Sometimes you hear a white knows her place better. At 1st it sounds prejudice & some what belittling to white women. But then I thought about it. If a white women grew up in a house hold with 2 parents. Its nature that Genders naturally fall into certain roles sometimes. The husband works does yard work fixes the cars, light fixtures & boilers etc... The wife may work but usually cooks & does laundry & spends more time with the kids. You can argue that. Some one who only had 1 parent may have no seen that. Some times its said that Asians, Indians Whites treat their men differently. hahaha I aint gonna say the word better. but some people would say that. However what I think happens is the same thing. When you grow up in a house hold with just a mom. I mean she is super mom. She does everything. Shes strong don't take no crap. You can become that. Of course also single moms usually talk really badly about men so Black girls can sometimes grow up feeling like Men especially aint Sh*t. All this plays a role in how some black women because not all black women are like this but some may treat their man. It may explain the attitude some people say some black women have. I'm not saying this is right or wrong. I'm just putting it out there. Stay tuned for Interracial dating part 3.
Safety Knights in Harlem ( We need more of these)
When I saw this story on Yahoo.com. I had to click on it & read it. Its about a group of individuals that patrol the Harlem streets for an after school program so that children in that program can walk home safely. After reading it I felt a sense of satisfaction. The reason is because although its not like the black panther party. It made me think about them. Originally the black panthers were just people in the urban black community who were tired. They were fed up. They wanted to be treated like Equal human beings in their neighborhoods. They didn't want Drug dealers or gang banners controlling the streets & instilling fear in the residents. They wanted their children to be fed & educated. They wanted to provide a sense of safety & assurance that the people in their neighborhood could live a peaceful life & that not just anybody could come in there & act crazy with out them having something to say about that. Whether it was Racist or even prejudice police. This to me is what every neighborhood needs. Neighborhood watches are cool. However I think we need a group of Take no Nonsense take individuals who are just as bad ass as the Gangs & just as disciplined as police or military to make sure our communities are good. I think the whole stop snitching thing is played out. I'm going on record saying that. People should snitch for certain things. If your neighbor is selling some dime bags of Marijuana & the people who buy from him are respectful. Meaning they don't smoke in your hall way & leave broken dutches & spit on your floors etc... I think hey mind my business & let that man make his money. However when dudes are just disrespectful to their neighbors & leave garbage & graffiti on the walls I think we should start saying something. Black people need to have respect for each other & our buildings, hallways & neighborhoods. We have to start letting everybody know were not going to put up with this disgusting Bull shit anymore. It don't matter if you live in the PJs. Treat where you live with respect PERIOD! We shouldn't let people think for a second its ok to terrorize the neighborhood or shoot some 1 with out consequences. That's what the no snitching thing is doing. Im starting to realize this as I get older. Its not cool. There's a reason other communities neighborhoods are cleaner & over all better. The people who live in those area keep their neighbor hoods clean respect each other more & have pride in them self. They also pick up that damn phone & call 911 if some one gets out of line. It goes against a lot of the codes some black folks follow. However you gotta open your eyes. who benefits from us allowing each other to be keep our neighbor hoods dirty filled with gangs & disproportionately disadvantaged from other communities. Who benefits when our children dont get educated & join gangs & sell drugs & become unemployed & start robbing stealing & become criminals. Do I really have to say who the enemy to our community is? Our enemy is smart. They have created an enviornment where they don't have to destroy us. We destroy our self. They sit back a reap all the benefits. We need to stop this Thug life gangsta break laws don't care about our neighbor or neighbors mentality. Our enemy is winning with out even fighting as hard. Why should our enemy fight hard when we're doing the job for them?
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Why Charlie Sheen is my Hero ( for now!)
Ok, People may read the title & say Martel is buggin or wildin or whatever type of terminology youd like to use to describe the statement. The fact is like my hero Charlie Sheen I dont care. (lol) Look at this dude. He's 45 which in this day & age is not old. Hes a pretty young guy living the rock star life. Hes had major success. Some could say that was attributed by his father Martin Sheen. Which I would also agree with to a certain extent. Having a hollywood legend as your dad will obviously open up some doors for you. However once those doors are open you have to deliver. We've seen time & time again people who knew the right people had great opportunities but they failed. Why? They just didnt have it. Talent, personality etc... This dude Sheen is exactly what I tell people to be. Or at least he appears to be it now. Obviously his past behavior & actions arent worthy of praise. Drug use, violent behavior, abuse of alcohol. But now the image at least he is portraying is a man with a new sense of self realization. Hes had an epiphany. He realizes that reality is malleable (you can mold it) Nothing is written in stone. People as he would call them "Normal people" See his current behavior & statements & say he's crazy. I actually listened to him with an open mind & comprehend his mentality. If you live by rules created by others to conform you & categorize you into box then you wont get it. If you understand the power of self destiny & taking responsibility & control of your life, Not being type cast into some black & white perception created by others of what you should say or how you should live. Then you'd realize he is empowering himself. He is winning. He's young has a beautiful family. He's wealthy & successful. He spent a huge part of his life enjoying life ( albeit dangerously with drugs & alcohol, I wouldn't recommend it) However he lived through it & survived it. Not every one is so lucky. He's still successful, rich & alive. He is winning. He recognized his problem & instead of relying on others or external forces to tell him how he should better himself. He reached down with in himself & as he said " cured his brain" This is incredible. He's not playing with his enemies. He knows who & what is against him & he is writing a playbook on how to win. Defeat is not an option. In this world youre either a leader, some one with conviction who can will people to greatness as well as your self or youre a follower. A follower has to have faith in some one else to achieve greatness. A leader creates success & brings his followers along for the ride. Now will Sheen relapse & crash & burn? I hope not. Hopefully he continues on this path of Mental strength. So all I can say is for now he's my hero.(lol) I hope he stays this way. For the people who laugh at him or think he's crazy. Well I have to admit I laughed too. He's funny! He's eyes are extra wide when he speaks his movements & mannerisms are a little off, Hes talks with a passion that makes him look crazy. However thats all superficial things. If you look deeper you'll see although his behavior look crazy. The words may sound crazy but they aren't. They're a blueprint on how to recreate your self as a winner, leader & some one who can create their own destiny & success with out leaving room for failure. With that said. I salute you Mr Sheen.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
22 yr old woman stabbed over $20 & facebook arguments? Really?
This is insane. 22yr old young woman stabbed & killed by her boyfriends sister over $20? This is insanity. Arguing on facebook that lead to the stabbing. C'mon yall Really? Really? This gotta stop.
This is something I feel really strongly about. Its almost as if people dont see tomorrow or the consequences of their actions. They dont see the persons family crying because you killed them over something so petty. They dont see their family crying & hurting because you're now in jail for killing some 1 over something so petty. They dont even imagine their own self being feeling sorrow & guilt & living the rest of your life knowing you killed some one over something so petty. People have to think about afterward. Whats going to happen after you kill this person, shoot this person, act crazy & fight this person? Over nonsense youre ruining your life & the life of every one involved in this crap. We gotta wake up people.
I like most bloggers love to share my ideas & opinions with others. I use my blog to do this. Its only natural with all the effort & work I put into to promoting my blog so people can see my post, that id want to monetize it. With that said. The question then becomes what company to go with? There are companies like Amazon Google ( ad sense) & several others that will pay you to place ads on your website or blog. I went with Adsense because I thought Google is a reputable company & is doing great on the stock market. I might as well go with them. When I became approved which took approximately 2 weeks. I was ready to start making some money. I began to promote my blog even more. Hopefully I thought the extra traffic would help increase my earnings. I told all my friends & family. I posted links to my blog on facebook, twitter & other social sites. Slowly but surely I started to see a small amount of money trickle into my adsense account. However after 2 months of online promoting I had only made between $13 - $15 dollars. Hey I figured its not a big deal that the amount was so small. The point was I had earned money doing basically what I would have been doing anyway. Adsense posted on my account they needed more info before they could send me my earnings. approximately 2 days later my account with adsense was disabled lol. Yeah i was scratching my head as well. The reason they stated was because there may have been invalid page impressions & ad clicks. This made me pretty upset. The reason I was most upset is They dont have a number to call. They dont present any evidence or records you can view to substantiated their claims. The only thing they offer is an appeal which you have to click on a link to get to. Once their you have to fill out a questionnaire. they actually ask you for your Adsense Id which is like 18 numbers. The big smack in the face is they tell you to look on your adsense account to retrieve the i.d. # but hey you cant because they disabled it. HAHAHA. Now you have to play Sherlock Holmes & figure out another way to get it. I checked emails, not there, finally I realized I had created a HTML for the Google search bar on my blog. I finally got the I.D. # from that. After you submit the appeal they state that there is a 1 week minimum wait period to get an answer. REALLY? I mean REALLY? I find it funny that when you start to make the little bit of money they give you ($15 buck) in 2 months? They find a way to try to Jerk you out of it. I dont know how this will play out. Maybe Google is being cautious. I cant blame a company for being vigilant & not wanting to pay people who are out to cheat them. However the amount is so small & I just dont like how they accuse you of something but never allow you to see any evidence physically that led them to believe you were trying to be fraudulent & get money from them. I guess Ill wait to see if they re activate my account before I completely say their adsense program is a fake. I do know my story is not the only one on the net. Their are a lot of people with similar claims. I hope Google does the right thing for me & reactivate my account & pay me the money owed. If I did cause unknowingly a invalid amount of impressions by visiting my own blog then I can even understand them deducting that, but to completely screw me over is not fair. Im just sharing my story so you can have more info to make your own decisions. Its all love.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Imagine a world where our technology is so interactive & hands on & interconnected. Where you can link your Tv internet & phone to multiple surfaces that have touch interactive technology. Your mirror your refrigerator, even the kitchen table or counter. Obviously with all the new touch screen devices & phones & even computers we have now this once sci-fi idea doesnt seem so fictional. Its just a matter of time. The video above is just a demo of what life could be like. If you think about it. This is just around the corner. Not 50 yrs away not 100 yrs but realistically probably 5- 10 depending on how the market releases & consumers gravitate towards these types of interactive interconnected technologies. Of course the only problem Ill have is they would have to create better anti theft & encryption to prevent identity theft. However for any person who is a tech head. We cant wait for the world in this video to become a reality.
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