People are not equal. We've been all brain washed to believe we are. With good reason, To allow all ethnicity's & races to see each other as equals. There fore creating a society we're people can co exist in a healthy manner. Without a certain level of mutual respect between all people there would be unrest constant chaos & violence. In this sense we are Equal. That statement is not a hypocrisy or contradiction of my opening statement. Human beings are both equal & not equal. On a basic level of humanity we are all equal. We all want to be treated with respect dignity & co exist peacefully. I believe every human being regardless of race gender sexual orientations should have this right.
Where I believe we are not equal is in abilities both physically & mentally.
People will read this & think I'm about to say something racist or prejudice. NO! You're wrong lol. I believe every race has very intelligent people. People within that race who are apart of humanity's brightest & most talented mentally people. IN every race there are also very athletic people. Strong, fast & able to do things physically that would seem impossible for others. Then there are people in all races that have people who are blessed mentally & physically. Renaissance people who have been blessed with both intelligence & physical attributes. Hey its all in genetics. How ever Not every one in every race is intelligent or physically strong. This is what I'm really getting at. WE HAVE IDIOTS AMONG US.
The sad thing is they don't even realize they're idiots. How can they? They lack the mental strength to analyze & or interpret things in a logical efficient way. God forbid some one tries to point out they're idiots. Their own stupidity will do something ignorant like resort to violence. Hey I'm trying to help you out by pointing out you're a moron. Maybe if you identify the problem you can try to resolve the issue. Unfortunately since they're too stupid to recognize their own faults intellectually. Or too ignorant to try to improve themselves. They will remain stupid unable to have a thought worth a fart & carry on with their dumb lives just making society worse. Yes these are the morons who cause so much problems in society. The idiot who starts a fight b/c hes frustrated & cant converse intelligently so its boils into an argument & then he becomes violent. The Moron who thinks the world should bend to his way of thinking instead of just realizing hey that's the way it is & its nothing you can do right now to change it. For example Instead of just paying a fine because she parked next to a hydrant she wants to argue about it & say well there was no fire why should I get fined. Ha ha ha ha. In her head this is logical. These idiots are among us. OH MY GOD & they are breeding. Now I believe of course even these idiots should be given respect dignity etc... How ever I will not say they are equal to me. Lets be clear. These idiots come in all shapes colors races ethnicity's & sizes. There is no race immune to these morons.
Welcome to the mind of Martel Prophet. Six pound records own. Here I'm just sharing my views & opinions about Music, entertainment, love, money & life in general. Id love to see what peoples opinions are on a lot of different things. Opinions are like belly buttons every body has 1. These are mine. Enjoy!!
About Me

- Martel Prophet
- If you dont like to think & you spend your whole life not trying to understand anything. Then get off my Blog.
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