For those who dont know black face has a historical background of racism & prejudice b/c it was used by white actors/performers to portray black people in ignorant & inhuman ways. Now fast forward to the 21st century. Of course we should be careful how we choose to do things that was once a means to be little & oppress us. However Where does it say a light skin black person cant darken their face? To go further where does it say a light skin celebrity cant darken their face to pay tribute to a African Icon? Not be little or make fun of but to honor him. Fela Kuti was obviously darker than Beyonce ( Fela is also a Broadway play produced by Jayz ,Jada & Will Smith). In a world where black folks have been disfiguring themselves with bleaching creams burning themselves. I think its great that you would have some one of Beyonce's stature willing to darken her skin to pay tribute to an African Icon. It express to me that black is beautiful. All shades of black. From the lightest skin to the Darkest. Black people as a whole need to recognize this. We all should be comfortable in your skin. We all should recognize & appreciate the darkest skin to the lightest skin with in our black Race. It makes me laugh when White people who of course are entitled to an opinion but lets be serious how can you tell us whats wrong or whats right for us.
If we choose to use the word Nigga than as a people thats our right. If we choose to use it & feel comfortable when another black person uses it & not comfortable
when a white person uses it. ITS OUR RIGHT! AS A PEOPLE! Thats the problem what you feel is not right is irrelevant. You are not our masters! You cant dictate to us how we choose to feel about a particular word. You cant want us to give the word Nigger power. Its an ugly word. How ever that word has no power over me. I dont feel threatened by the word until I see that the person who is using it is indeed using it in a racist manner. Even then I dont really care unless that person chooses to do something violent to me or another black person. Racism needs to die period. However Im not going to let a word have power over me. Also I dont think white people should be telling us what we as a people can do & how we can celebrate our own icons. Its that type of arrogance thats always a problem. I understand you may have an opinion but if we choose not to live by your opinion then Thats our right. You just have to deal with it. I think the photo of Beyonce is a beautiful one. Its honors & respects a black African ICON who just happened to have Darker skin. Fela Kuti & I for one Love it.
Welcome to the mind of Martel Prophet. Six pound records own. Here I'm just sharing my views & opinions about Music, entertainment, love, money & life in general. Id love to see what peoples opinions are on a lot of different things. Opinions are like belly buttons every body has 1. These are mine. Enjoy!!
About Me

- Martel Prophet
- If you dont like to think & you spend your whole life not trying to understand anything. Then get off my Blog.
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