CIARA Damn this is crazy. This shows you that this entertainment biz aint no joke. CIARA who was once a mighty artist. Who could sell out shows & was guaranteed album sales has fallen very low on the celebrity totem pole. Her 4th album even with the strong single RIDE ft LUDACRIS only sold 40k. Umm... whats wrong with this picture?
To move on This dude Lil B is talking about Sodomizing Obama? WTF???!!! & I quote “Will I really f*ck President Obama in the ass? No. But am I going to be the one person that’ll say it? Maybe. Maybe I’m the only person brave enough to say that".
These people will do anything for attention.
WTF is wrong with Rhianna? She think she Michael Jackson? She was grabbing her crotch so much I was wondering did she have crabs? Need some Ointment or something WTF? I love Rhianna I think she has a great voice & is sexy as hell but C'mon Son ( ed lover voice) Stop with all that. Her biggest problem I think is shes young & still doesnt know who she is as a person. That transfers over to her as an artist. Its confusing. No body is 1 way all the time & people have different sides to them but its starting to seem a lil split personality- ish.
6pound records MY label has a new Artist Premo aka choice. This dude needs to get on his grind & be every where. Im a lil bias but seriously If you go to & check out his artist page listen to "MY WORLD" This dude aint no pop bubble gum hiphop artist. His 4 real! He need more exposure. So Choice If youre listening GET YO ASS OUT THERE & DO MORE SHOWS GET ON MIXTAPES & DO FEATURES WITH OTHER people.
Welcome to the mind of Martel Prophet. Six pound records own. Here I'm just sharing my views & opinions about Music, entertainment, love, money & life in general. Id love to see what peoples opinions are on a lot of different things. Opinions are like belly buttons every body has 1. These are mine. Enjoy!!
About Me

- Martel Prophet
- If you dont like to think & you spend your whole life not trying to understand anything. Then get off my Blog.
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