Did this beef start from Jealousy or just being honest. If Ciara was speaking the truth then you cant blame her. Perhaps she shouldn't broadcast it on national tv but hey the truth is the truth. She said she ran into her & Rihanna wasn't the nicest person. If that's true then I think that's a personal issue. Maybe Rihanna should stop being Snobbish. Perhaps Ciara should have addressed Rihanna personally before telling everybody else in the country on tv. Anyway I think both handled the situation wrongly. LOL Anyway If Rihanna felt a certain way she shouldn't have went to Twitter to beef about it. However I think its petty on both parts. Rihanna just went completely overboard. That's why she apologized right after wards. (hahaha) or perhaps her handlers/P.R. person was like you better do damage control now. Whats with all these talking heads trying to hype it up to be more than what it really was. People like Perez Hilton or Media Take out trying to make it like WW3. Stop it cut it out! I think you have two young female celebrities who just wanted to show their ass... Rihanna a lot more than Ciarra unless you're talking about that Riding video Ciara did. (lol) Anyway next time either one of these two ladies want to throw some jabs. lets just keep the beef private & resolve the issue behind the scenes. Unless you have a project your working on & you need the publicity, Yeah we all know how that media spin works. Anything to sell records.
Welcome to the mind of Martel Prophet. Six pound records own. Here I'm just sharing my views & opinions about Music, entertainment, love, money & life in general. Id love to see what peoples opinions are on a lot of different things. Opinions are like belly buttons every body has 1. These are mine. Enjoy!!
About Me

- Martel Prophet
- If you dont like to think & you spend your whole life not trying to understand anything. Then get off my Blog.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Ciara & Rihanna Beefing. REALLY!??? C'mon REALLY!?
Friday, February 25, 2011
African American Abortion (Are blacks commiting genocide?)
All who may have heard about this Ad in Manhattan may have been as shocked & angry about it as I was. The ad reads “The most dangerous place for an African American is in the womb,” The initial impression it made was one of disbelief & has undertones of racism & prejudice. Its only natural to feel like some one or some group is targeting African Americans & trying to air out our dirt. It makes you feel like a victim. Why do "they" have to try to create an image that we're killing our babies. However after that is said & done we have to discuss the facts & truth. After the anger subsides & you listen with a clear & open mind. You will always be upset about how the message was delivered & the controversy around it. But lets get to the facts. 60% of African American pregnancies end in ABORTION!! Thats alarming to me. Over half of Black Americans pregnancies end in abortion. That is insane! It raises the question WHY??? Why are we killing our selves at this rate. Were shooting each other, selling drugs to each other, going to prison for so many years abandoning our families. WHY? Let me be clear I know there are a lot of GOOD black people out there. How ever this makes you think we have to get it together. We have to educate & take control of our communities & our destiny . We have to take responsibility for whats happening, We must recognize the problem, discuss it with rational minds & come up with solutions & then implement those solutions. We must teach our kids about RESPECTING each other. Not living by this code of being a gangsta or being disrespectful to each other or the community we live in. We have to teach our kids that life is not a game & its precious. We have to educate our self about using condoms & birth control & avoiding unwanted pregnancy in the 1st place. The ad almost becomes unimportant if we focus on the real issues. I feel women should have the right to choose. Its their bodies. However its getting to the point where it's being abused. Abortion should not be a form of birth control. We have birth control pills, contraceptives, condoms, etc... to prevent pregnancy in the 1st place. I know condoms break pills sometimes dont work. However you can not tell me that 60% is from that? NO! its people not being responsible. African American, Blacks. MY PEOPLE! Are not being responsible. We have to admit that see it as a problem & try to solve it. Were committing genocide on our selves. Some one actually said Planned parent hood may be targeting the black community to keep our population down. Abortions along with Prison & drugs is a way to control us. I dont know if thats true or not. How ever when you look at the statistics of how many abortion & black children who will never be born are done every year. Over 300,000! thats crazy. Its not a time to blame our women or each other at this point. Its a time to face reality & the truth & try to help each other fix this problem. Im still pro- choice. I just feel we have to lower the amount of abortions. We have to start thinking about Abortions differently. I dont think as a people we can afford to continue to decimate our population by having so many abortions yearly.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Good Food Good Price SUBWAY Sandwich!
I love food, Especially reasonably priced food. I just & I really mean just as in like 4 seconds ago I was in heaven devouring a foot long subway sandwich. I just finished eating it. Usually Ill eat half & save the other half for later. However tonight that damn Philly cheese steak was too damn good to stop. As I was eating it. I wouldn't stop thinking. Damn I got all this for 5 bucks? Every bite I kept thinking hell naw this was 5 bucks? LoL Life is filled with some great moments. This was one of them. After eating it I was like Damn I gotta tell somebody call somebody Blog about this Damn Sandwich. Thanks Subway for filling up my belly with a delicious great price foot long sandwich. Now that Im writting this, I cant help but think this is black history month. Im black, Subway gave me this meal as a gift for my blackness. hahaha Thanks Subway. I just hope you extend this any sub for $5 dollars beyond the month of February. Then Life will be beautiful.
Beyonce wearing BLACK FACE
For those who dont know black face has a historical background of racism & prejudice b/c it was used by white actors/performers to portray black people in ignorant & inhuman ways. Now fast forward to the 21st century. Of course we should be careful how we choose to do things that was once a means to be little & oppress us. However Where does it say a light skin black person cant darken their face? To go further where does it say a light skin celebrity cant darken their face to pay tribute to a African Icon? Not be little or make fun of but to honor him. Fela Kuti was obviously darker than Beyonce ( Fela is also a Broadway play produced by Jayz ,Jada & Will Smith). In a world where black folks have been disfiguring themselves with bleaching creams burning themselves. I think its great that you would have some one of Beyonce's stature willing to darken her skin to pay tribute to an African Icon. It express to me that black is beautiful. All shades of black. From the lightest skin to the Darkest. Black people as a whole need to recognize this. We all should be comfortable in your skin. We all should recognize & appreciate the darkest skin to the lightest skin with in our black Race. It makes me laugh when White people who of course are entitled to an opinion but lets be serious how can you tell us whats wrong or whats right for us.
If we choose to use the word Nigga than as a people thats our right. If we choose to use it & feel comfortable when another black person uses it & not comfortable
when a white person uses it. ITS OUR RIGHT! AS A PEOPLE! Thats the problem what you feel is not right is irrelevant. You are not our masters! You cant dictate to us how we choose to feel about a particular word. You cant want us to give the word Nigger power. Its an ugly word. How ever that word has no power over me. I dont feel threatened by the word until I see that the person who is using it is indeed using it in a racist manner. Even then I dont really care unless that person chooses to do something violent to me or another black person. Racism needs to die period. However Im not going to let a word have power over me. Also I dont think white people should be telling us what we as a people can do & how we can celebrate our own icons. Its that type of arrogance thats always a problem. I understand you may have an opinion but if we choose not to live by your opinion then Thats our right. You just have to deal with it. I think the photo of Beyonce is a beautiful one. Its honors & respects a black African ICON who just happened to have Darker skin. Fela Kuti & I for one Love it.
If we choose to use the word Nigga than as a people thats our right. If we choose to use it & feel comfortable when another black person uses it & not comfortable
when a white person uses it. ITS OUR RIGHT! AS A PEOPLE! Thats the problem what you feel is not right is irrelevant. You are not our masters! You cant dictate to us how we choose to feel about a particular word. You cant want us to give the word Nigger power. Its an ugly word. How ever that word has no power over me. I dont feel threatened by the word until I see that the person who is using it is indeed using it in a racist manner. Even then I dont really care unless that person chooses to do something violent to me or another black person. Racism needs to die period. However Im not going to let a word have power over me. Also I dont think white people should be telling us what we as a people can do & how we can celebrate our own icons. Its that type of arrogance thats always a problem. I understand you may have an opinion but if we choose not to live by your opinion then Thats our right. You just have to deal with it. I think the photo of Beyonce is a beautiful one. Its honors & respects a black African ICON who just happened to have Darker skin. Fela Kuti & I for one Love it.
Monday, February 21, 2011
BoDY PAINT the New Way to Dress??
Could you imagine Women walking around with Body Paint. Summer time it gets Hot. Lately it seems like its getting even hotter than before. I see both men & women wearing less & less to try to stay cool.
Could Body paint be the answer. Pretty much go naked! Just have the appearance of clothing.
What do you think?
Could Body paint be the answer. Pretty much go naked! Just have the appearance of clothing.
What do you think?
CIARA Damn this is crazy. This shows you that this entertainment biz aint no joke. CIARA who was once a mighty artist. Who could sell out shows & was guaranteed album sales has fallen very low on the celebrity totem pole. Her 4th album even with the strong single RIDE ft LUDACRIS only sold 40k. Umm... whats wrong with this picture?
To move on This dude Lil B is talking about Sodomizing Obama? WTF???!!! & I quote “Will I really f*ck President Obama in the ass? No. But am I going to be the one person that’ll say it? Maybe. Maybe I’m the only person brave enough to say that".
These people will do anything for attention.
WTF is wrong with Rhianna? She think she Michael Jackson? She was grabbing her crotch so much I was wondering did she have crabs? Need some Ointment or something WTF? I love Rhianna I think she has a great voice & is sexy as hell but C'mon Son ( ed lover voice) Stop with all that. Her biggest problem I think is shes young & still doesnt know who she is as a person. That transfers over to her as an artist. Its confusing. No body is 1 way all the time & people have different sides to them but its starting to seem a lil split personality- ish.
6pound records MY label has a new Artist Premo aka choice. This dude needs to get on his grind & be every where. Im a lil bias but seriously If you go to www.sixpoundrecords.com & check out his artist page listen to "MY WORLD" This dude aint no pop bubble gum hiphop artist. His 4 real! He need more exposure. So Choice If youre listening GET YO ASS OUT THERE & DO MORE SHOWS GET ON MIXTAPES & DO FEATURES WITH OTHER people.
To move on This dude Lil B is talking about Sodomizing Obama? WTF???!!! & I quote “Will I really f*ck President Obama in the ass? No. But am I going to be the one person that’ll say it? Maybe. Maybe I’m the only person brave enough to say that".
These people will do anything for attention.
WTF is wrong with Rhianna? She think she Michael Jackson? She was grabbing her crotch so much I was wondering did she have crabs? Need some Ointment or something WTF? I love Rhianna I think she has a great voice & is sexy as hell but C'mon Son ( ed lover voice) Stop with all that. Her biggest problem I think is shes young & still doesnt know who she is as a person. That transfers over to her as an artist. Its confusing. No body is 1 way all the time & people have different sides to them but its starting to seem a lil split personality- ish.
6pound records MY label has a new Artist Premo aka choice. This dude needs to get on his grind & be every where. Im a lil bias but seriously If you go to www.sixpoundrecords.com & check out his artist page listen to "MY WORLD" This dude aint no pop bubble gum hiphop artist. His 4 real! He need more exposure. So Choice If youre listening GET YO ASS OUT THERE & DO MORE SHOWS GET ON MIXTAPES & DO FEATURES WITH OTHER people.
Movie review PAUL ( THE ALIEN)
Paul, voiced by Seth Rogan, and holder of most of Paul’s best lines.
I like Paul because its just straight comedy. Yeah theres an alien in it they dont have to really explain why. Dont over think it. Just put Two geeks in an RV with an Alien running from the Govt & There you have it. Comedy Gold & Some good ass entertaining stuff lol.
If the film starts lacking anywhere it’s midway, when the geek culture references become so relentless they might baffle anyone who’s never popped their head into Forbidden Planet. However I still enjoyed how relentless the cultdom was. In fact, there’s something quite brazen about Pegg/Frost’s film - just how unconcerned it is about people who might not get all the references or Sci fi geek stuff said. (which may explain the pro-evolution content peppered throughout). I happen to agree Im all for religion but when religion starts making you ignore science & facts & make you do stupid things you need to check your self. Previous outings by the pair have contained an emotional element to entice those who have no interest in zombies or old cop show VHS. Paul is more defiant, a flicked Vulcan sign saying ‘like it or leave it’. < Did you see the Start Trek reference. Yeah I gets down with the Sci Fi lol. I liked it, Its funny & entertaining & thats all we really want from a damn movie.
I like Paul because its just straight comedy. Yeah theres an alien in it they dont have to really explain why. Dont over think it. Just put Two geeks in an RV with an Alien running from the Govt & There you have it. Comedy Gold & Some good ass entertaining stuff lol.
If the film starts lacking anywhere it’s midway, when the geek culture references become so relentless they might baffle anyone who’s never popped their head into Forbidden Planet. However I still enjoyed how relentless the cultdom was. In fact, there’s something quite brazen about Pegg/Frost’s film - just how unconcerned it is about people who might not get all the references or Sci fi geek stuff said. (which may explain the pro-evolution content peppered throughout). I happen to agree Im all for religion but when religion starts making you ignore science & facts & make you do stupid things you need to check your self. Previous outings by the pair have contained an emotional element to entice those who have no interest in zombies or old cop show VHS. Paul is more defiant, a flicked Vulcan sign saying ‘like it or leave it’. < Did you see the Start Trek reference. Yeah I gets down with the Sci Fi lol. I liked it, Its funny & entertaining & thats all we really want from a damn movie.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Save & invest
After the recession it shouldn't even have to be said that its important to save & invest. How ever as thanks to our President Obama & many others in both the political & business arena not to mention the hard working America work force the economy bounces back. I see some of my people (blacks) getting too comfortable again. Buying things they don't really need. Not saving properly, Having no clue about investing. I cant judge them based on their life style choice. If that's how they choose to live then so be it. However what I can do is give them new choices. For example after the economic melt down. You all remember when every body was panicking & the world was suppose to end. People were saying you should cash out your 401k & sell your home. cut your loses. IDIOTS!!! That was actually the time when you were suppose to be investing & buying more. stocks were low. Real estate prices were lower. Every thing was at a price that even people with moderate incomes could afford & benefit from. Unfortunately If you didn't know anything about the stock market or the real estate market you wouldn't know what to do. Historically these things happen. Thats the 1st bit of info we need to know. recession are not something that's new. Alot of millionaires actually became millionaires during recessions depressions etc. How? Good question. They understood that the economy has a cycle. When things are great stocks are high. Profits are high real estate is high. Rich get richer poor stay poor. When the economy goes bad, stocks fall real estate is effected. This is the time to find markets companies that are most likely to survive & thrive after the bad cycle & when things get better the stock that you bough at $10 a share can potentially go back up to $40, $50 $60 a share. now if you bought say just 200 shares it would cost you $2,000 dollars but when that stock reached $60 a share again you would have made $12000 dollars $10,000 profit. Hey to the multi-millionaires that may not be much but for some one who may have owed $15,000 in debt you can now knock a lot of that down. But even more importantly you would now know the value of the stock market & perhaps continue to invest & become financially intelligent. More saving better investments & less spending on crap that doesn't bring you back money. As far as the real estate market. the same formula applies. Yes there will be times where even the might real estate market can lose value. How ever eventually the cycle stands true. Property value goes back up. People start to buy again. If you're sitting on a few good properties your bound to make that money. HEY! why do I even blog about this? People say you're a rapper Why do you care? Well I'm a black American 1st who cares about my black people & this country. I'm also a business man. I own my label. I want my people to be educated & succeed. If other rappers are too ignorant or too self involved to help the black community where it really counts. Self reliance & not relying on the govt or a hand out from uncle Sam is the key to being rich. Of course once you are rich you'll find the govt for some reason will still give you tax breaks & hands outs but that's another topic for another day lol... Right now I just want my black people to read about the stock Market do not be afraid to invest, but invest wisely. Read the wall street journal. look at Bloomberg.com, See how other factors affect companies. A perfect example was the BP oil spill. This was a multi billion dollar company. The oil spill caused the stock to fall. However I knew this multi billion dollar company was not going to go out of business b/c of an oil spill. That was the best opportunity to invest. If you did & you had some friends or family to pool money together you could have made a killing. You just have to keep your eyes & ears open & use some intelligence & invest with sense. You'll be Good. Dont be AFRAID. Just be smart & brave & get this money.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Lady Gaga Phenomenon
I seen the performance at the Grammys where she came out her shell. Lol I don't know if that's suppose to be some type of metaphor for her crazy life style or what. Seem like she came out her shell a long time ago. It was an ok performance, but the amount of fans she has world wide is insane. It makes me think is it her actual talent or is it the outrageous behavior? I think its a combination of both. Her & Justin Bieber both reached 1 billion views on Youtube. Thats serious fan loyalty & interest. Yet Justin Bieber obviously isnt as outrageous as far as behavior as she is. I think the promotion & marketing behind these artist must be like a well oiled machine. Any artist who has that type of fan base & exposure should thank God everyday. To all the fans who support Lady Gaga. If you have any thoughts or opinions you would like to share. Id appreciate it if you place a comment here. Im just curious to read why you are so loyal & devoted to her. You know me I wont knock her but I have to analyze the phenomenon. (haha) To me its a matter of intellectual interest. Im not fascinated by the actual celebrity of famous people. Im more curious & fascinated with the fact that people propel these people into a status of royalty or demigods. So people leaving comments or telling me why they love these artist so much will shed light on perhaps the mind state of their fans lol.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
The world
I find myself in the world. Not knowing where I came from or where Im going. I just exist. The world is cold sometimes. Wrapped in a silhouette of friendship disguised with smiles while pain & hatred hide behind facades of grins. Im in the world. that grime that sticks on the soul as we walk through feelings of exile & regret. That hunger for belonging & peace is a reminder of the worlds lingering shadow cast by dreams extinguish. Words hath no meaning but to reiterate what my spirit has already spoken in whispers to my mind. The lonely road in which my external self sees its own self walking upon. viewing life from the exterior of human conscious. Grief beckons me to write the perpetuating realm of truth. The honesty we hide & build lies around. I do live in the world. How ever in truth the world lives in me. That inexplicably is the world my mind inhabits. A world of black, white gray & shades of denial. The justified negativity that is suppose to bring about positive change but only leaves the debt of the human dependency on hope. Thats the world as I perceive it. How do you?
Friday, February 11, 2011
Pole Dancing (exercise & sexy)
Lets be real. Pole Dancing has come a long way. What was once consider something only Strippers or "whores" Were good at. Is now being done by Suburban house wives to not only get in shape & stay healthy but to also seduce their husbands. To me its a great idea. Women figured out hey If I can do what those girls in the clubs are doing maybe my man will stay home & watch me perform instead of spending hrs & money on those girls. When a woman really knows how to work the pole( pause for laughter) Yes its very sexy & arousing. So ladies this is something you might want to consider. The price Is between $199 - $399 for a decent pole. Get some bottles of Ciroc or whatever liquor you prefer. & create a sensual mood for you & your man to enjoy. Stay in shape look sexy be sexy & enjoy. What do you think? Is learning to work a pole something you might be interested in?
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Check this video out -- X-Men: First Class - Official Trailer http://t.co/ckhKI7z via @youtube
I dont know about you but when I saw Xmen 3 I was left feeling a lil disappointed. I really wanted it to work but the over all movie just didnt satisfy me. This trailer looks promising. Seeing Xavier & Magneto as young men is a great idea. I think its a great way to revamp the Xmen storyline. The action looks cool & seeing how characters like Beast & Night crawler started will be cool for people who arent too familiar with the whole Xmen Mythology. Anyway Enjoy it & leave a comment about what you think.
I dont know about you but when I saw Xmen 3 I was left feeling a lil disappointed. I really wanted it to work but the over all movie just didnt satisfy me. This trailer looks promising. Seeing Xavier & Magneto as young men is a great idea. I think its a great way to revamp the Xmen storyline. The action looks cool & seeing how characters like Beast & Night crawler started will be cool for people who arent too familiar with the whole Xmen Mythology. Anyway Enjoy it & leave a comment about what you think.
Crabs in a Bucket ( blacks support blacks)
I understand the Crab mentality. Its not just a mental disorder SOME black people have. Its in every race. It comes from Envy jealousy & malicious attitudes. You see some one doing better than you or achieving something you always wanted to & you get angry & want to talk bad or tear down that person. Its a very petty & de evolved way of thinking. Instead of being proud & drawing inspiration from some one else success they want to Knock them & try to convince others that the person is bad.
Ill repeat All races do this All people do this.
How ever this Blog is specifically about blacks. I understand the history. The slave mentality & the Willie Lynch tactics that may have contributed to why blacks some times don't support each other. If you dont know about Willie Lynch Please GOOGLE IT!
Please black people. PLEASE!!! STOP HATING ON POSITIVE BLACK SUCCESS. Like why would you hate on OPRAH? What she do? Shes not perfect she use to make me mad when she wouldn't support HipHop. However she eventually came along & realized HipHop is the voice of the urban community that didn't have 1. She acknowledged that although she doesn't always agree with the lyrics its something she can accept as Art. I'm paraphrasing. Black people over all need to embrace positive things & denounce negative things. I'm not 1 to judge, but If you think Going to college & getting a good job to support your wife & kids is WACK! Something wrong with you. If you think dropping out selling drugs & not snitching on the dude who sells crack to your friends sister & mom & may have shot Pookie is Cool. Something wrong with you. Your values & morals are backwards. The Hood & negative aspects of the Urban life has twisted your Mind. That aint cool! Not having money to help raise your kids But you driving a Benze or walking around with a 1000 dollar Louis Vuitton purse Is not COOL. Not supporting black businesses but as soon as you get paid going to purchase something from a white owned company is NOT COOL. Now I'm saying Of course you can buy from white Latin Asian Arabic whatever owned businesses. But damn why you gotta look down on a black owned company & totally disregard them? Thats crazy. You should be supporting & buying from black owned businesses just as much if not more than you quick to buy LV Gucci Prada & all this other materialistic nonsense. Hey man like I said you can buy that stuff im not Knocking it, but damn get your Priorities straight & support & encourage your fellow black people. Thats all
1 Luv
Ill repeat All races do this All people do this.
How ever this Blog is specifically about blacks. I understand the history. The slave mentality & the Willie Lynch tactics that may have contributed to why blacks some times don't support each other. If you dont know about Willie Lynch Please GOOGLE IT!
Please black people. PLEASE!!! STOP HATING ON POSITIVE BLACK SUCCESS. Like why would you hate on OPRAH? What she do? Shes not perfect she use to make me mad when she wouldn't support HipHop. However she eventually came along & realized HipHop is the voice of the urban community that didn't have 1. She acknowledged that although she doesn't always agree with the lyrics its something she can accept as Art. I'm paraphrasing. Black people over all need to embrace positive things & denounce negative things. I'm not 1 to judge, but If you think Going to college & getting a good job to support your wife & kids is WACK! Something wrong with you. If you think dropping out selling drugs & not snitching on the dude who sells crack to your friends sister & mom & may have shot Pookie is Cool. Something wrong with you. Your values & morals are backwards. The Hood & negative aspects of the Urban life has twisted your Mind. That aint cool! Not having money to help raise your kids But you driving a Benze or walking around with a 1000 dollar Louis Vuitton purse Is not COOL. Not supporting black businesses but as soon as you get paid going to purchase something from a white owned company is NOT COOL. Now I'm saying Of course you can buy from white Latin Asian Arabic whatever owned businesses. But damn why you gotta look down on a black owned company & totally disregard them? Thats crazy. You should be supporting & buying from black owned businesses just as much if not more than you quick to buy LV Gucci Prada & all this other materialistic nonsense. Hey man like I said you can buy that stuff im not Knocking it, but damn get your Priorities straight & support & encourage your fellow black people. Thats all
1 Luv
How to stay Together in a RELATIONSHIP!!!
1. Physical appearance
physical appearance and attraction is important to draw two people together at first, If working out and staying fit is important to you, It will it bum you out if your mate doesn’t share your quest for rock-hard abs? Perhaps you shouldnt hold so much weight on how your mate looks but put more emphasis on how they stay healthy to enjoy a longer life together. This may motivate them to working out more when you put it that way.
2. Emotional maturity
You have to ask your self is the person you're with emotionally mature or still lugging around some trunk-sized baggage? How does your lover relate to family and friends? Is he or she emotionally supportive or have control issues? Is your mate aware of his or her own issues and interested in addressing them? People have to learn to analyze them self & try to correct their own faults to make relationships work. To me Compromise Understanding & being reasonable is always a good combination of things to have. Dont look for victory in arguments. Look for ways to resolve the issue.
3. Lifestyle choices
This includes career and social lives, common interests, leisure time activities and energy levels. Pretty much you should dig what each other are interested in. Perhaps you dont like Opera but once in a blue make her feel special by doing it. Vice Versa If she likes Football then that's good. But there has to be something she doesn't like that you do that she'd be willing to compromise on. This makes you both feel special. Also you should have common interest to do together were you're both satisfied.
4. Financial compatibility
This is really important. It includes income levels, savings goals and views on handling money. How do you each want to spend, save and invest? Is one person a spender while the other saves? Is one person financially responsible while the other plays catch-up with child support and bills? I think If you're happy looking rich but being poor together then more power to you lol. Personally I want a partner who compromised looking good with being financially great. We can buy some luxury as long as the bulk of our money is making money in investments & business.
5. Value structure
This area is often overlooked but has a tremendous impact on your life. It includes the big values: honesty, integrity, loyalty, views on family and children, religion and spirituality, life goals and the treatment and care for others. Does your mate follow through on promises made? Would you say this person is trustworthy? Will you always be there for each other in a pinch? Yes it works baby.
6. Marriage and intimacy
Everyone does not share the same idea of marriage. The big questions to address are: What do you and your mate expect from marriage? Is he or she looking for a soul mate? Do you both want close intimacy beyond the physical aspect, including with your friendships and in private communications with each other?
7. Intelligence
Having similar education levels increases your chances of sharing social experiences, intellectual interests and career goals. What topics do you and your honey like to talk about? Conversation limited to sports or shopping may get boring to someone who likes to ponder philosophy and bluster about business. I dont think you have to both have gone to college. How ever the relationship works when You have the same level or close to intellect. That way conversations are enriched & doesn't leave 1 person going damn I feel dumb or start tuning you out b/c they're unable to add anything.
While you don’t have to match exactly in each area, look at the big picture and make sure you match closely enough in the important areas of your life to up your chances of finding a love that will go the distance.
physical appearance and attraction is important to draw two people together at first, If working out and staying fit is important to you, It will it bum you out if your mate doesn’t share your quest for rock-hard abs? Perhaps you shouldnt hold so much weight on how your mate looks but put more emphasis on how they stay healthy to enjoy a longer life together. This may motivate them to working out more when you put it that way.
2. Emotional maturity
You have to ask your self is the person you're with emotionally mature or still lugging around some trunk-sized baggage? How does your lover relate to family and friends? Is he or she emotionally supportive or have control issues? Is your mate aware of his or her own issues and interested in addressing them? People have to learn to analyze them self & try to correct their own faults to make relationships work. To me Compromise Understanding & being reasonable is always a good combination of things to have. Dont look for victory in arguments. Look for ways to resolve the issue.
3. Lifestyle choices
This includes career and social lives, common interests, leisure time activities and energy levels. Pretty much you should dig what each other are interested in. Perhaps you dont like Opera but once in a blue make her feel special by doing it. Vice Versa If she likes Football then that's good. But there has to be something she doesn't like that you do that she'd be willing to compromise on. This makes you both feel special. Also you should have common interest to do together were you're both satisfied.
4. Financial compatibility
This is really important. It includes income levels, savings goals and views on handling money. How do you each want to spend, save and invest? Is one person a spender while the other saves? Is one person financially responsible while the other plays catch-up with child support and bills? I think If you're happy looking rich but being poor together then more power to you lol. Personally I want a partner who compromised looking good with being financially great. We can buy some luxury as long as the bulk of our money is making money in investments & business.
5. Value structure
This area is often overlooked but has a tremendous impact on your life. It includes the big values: honesty, integrity, loyalty, views on family and children, religion and spirituality, life goals and the treatment and care for others. Does your mate follow through on promises made? Would you say this person is trustworthy? Will you always be there for each other in a pinch? Yes it works baby.
6. Marriage and intimacy
Everyone does not share the same idea of marriage. The big questions to address are: What do you and your mate expect from marriage? Is he or she looking for a soul mate? Do you both want close intimacy beyond the physical aspect, including with your friendships and in private communications with each other?
7. Intelligence
Having similar education levels increases your chances of sharing social experiences, intellectual interests and career goals. What topics do you and your honey like to talk about? Conversation limited to sports or shopping may get boring to someone who likes to ponder philosophy and bluster about business. I dont think you have to both have gone to college. How ever the relationship works when You have the same level or close to intellect. That way conversations are enriched & doesn't leave 1 person going damn I feel dumb or start tuning you out b/c they're unable to add anything.
While you don’t have to match exactly in each area, look at the big picture and make sure you match closely enough in the important areas of your life to up your chances of finding a love that will go the distance.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
PARTY TIME ( stay healthy)
I love to party. I thought it was so hot to see Prince at his age still looking young dancing on stage enjoying life. I only hope to be as lucky as he is to be so energized & healthy at 50. Party time is great. But if you want to keep the party going obviously you gotta take care of your self. Eat right exercise wear condoms. I think thats the best advice I ever got. who know even at age 90 we might be on stage dancing just like this. Work hard live right. Party harder.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Equal or not Equal?
People are not equal. We've been all brain washed to believe we are. With good reason, To allow all ethnicity's & races to see each other as equals. There fore creating a society we're people can co exist in a healthy manner. Without a certain level of mutual respect between all people there would be unrest constant chaos & violence. In this sense we are Equal. That statement is not a hypocrisy or contradiction of my opening statement. Human beings are both equal & not equal. On a basic level of humanity we are all equal. We all want to be treated with respect dignity & co exist peacefully. I believe every human being regardless of race gender sexual orientations should have this right.
Where I believe we are not equal is in abilities both physically & mentally.
People will read this & think I'm about to say something racist or prejudice. NO! You're wrong lol. I believe every race has very intelligent people. People within that race who are apart of humanity's brightest & most talented mentally people. IN every race there are also very athletic people. Strong, fast & able to do things physically that would seem impossible for others. Then there are people in all races that have people who are blessed mentally & physically. Renaissance people who have been blessed with both intelligence & physical attributes. Hey its all in genetics. How ever Not every one in every race is intelligent or physically strong. This is what I'm really getting at. WE HAVE IDIOTS AMONG US.
The sad thing is they don't even realize they're idiots. How can they? They lack the mental strength to analyze & or interpret things in a logical efficient way. God forbid some one tries to point out they're idiots. Their own stupidity will do something ignorant like resort to violence. Hey I'm trying to help you out by pointing out you're a moron. Maybe if you identify the problem you can try to resolve the issue. Unfortunately since they're too stupid to recognize their own faults intellectually. Or too ignorant to try to improve themselves. They will remain stupid unable to have a thought worth a fart & carry on with their dumb lives just making society worse. Yes these are the morons who cause so much problems in society. The idiot who starts a fight b/c hes frustrated & cant converse intelligently so its boils into an argument & then he becomes violent. The Moron who thinks the world should bend to his way of thinking instead of just realizing hey that's the way it is & its nothing you can do right now to change it. For example Instead of just paying a fine because she parked next to a hydrant she wants to argue about it & say well there was no fire why should I get fined. Ha ha ha ha. In her head this is logical. These idiots are among us. OH MY GOD & they are breeding. Now I believe of course even these idiots should be given respect dignity etc... How ever I will not say they are equal to me. Lets be clear. These idiots come in all shapes colors races ethnicity's & sizes. There is no race immune to these morons.
Where I believe we are not equal is in abilities both physically & mentally.
People will read this & think I'm about to say something racist or prejudice. NO! You're wrong lol. I believe every race has very intelligent people. People within that race who are apart of humanity's brightest & most talented mentally people. IN every race there are also very athletic people. Strong, fast & able to do things physically that would seem impossible for others. Then there are people in all races that have people who are blessed mentally & physically. Renaissance people who have been blessed with both intelligence & physical attributes. Hey its all in genetics. How ever Not every one in every race is intelligent or physically strong. This is what I'm really getting at. WE HAVE IDIOTS AMONG US.
The sad thing is they don't even realize they're idiots. How can they? They lack the mental strength to analyze & or interpret things in a logical efficient way. God forbid some one tries to point out they're idiots. Their own stupidity will do something ignorant like resort to violence. Hey I'm trying to help you out by pointing out you're a moron. Maybe if you identify the problem you can try to resolve the issue. Unfortunately since they're too stupid to recognize their own faults intellectually. Or too ignorant to try to improve themselves. They will remain stupid unable to have a thought worth a fart & carry on with their dumb lives just making society worse. Yes these are the morons who cause so much problems in society. The idiot who starts a fight b/c hes frustrated & cant converse intelligently so its boils into an argument & then he becomes violent. The Moron who thinks the world should bend to his way of thinking instead of just realizing hey that's the way it is & its nothing you can do right now to change it. For example Instead of just paying a fine because she parked next to a hydrant she wants to argue about it & say well there was no fire why should I get fined. Ha ha ha ha. In her head this is logical. These idiots are among us. OH MY GOD & they are breeding. Now I believe of course even these idiots should be given respect dignity etc... How ever I will not say they are equal to me. Lets be clear. These idiots come in all shapes colors races ethnicity's & sizes. There is no race immune to these morons.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Interracial relationships Part 1.
As you might have noticed, I am very opinionated. I could type something in x amount of characters on twitter but why limit my self when I have free range on here? Today I was thinking about this White girl from Upstate Ny who is really feeling the kid. I haven't really seriously dated a white girl in my whole life. Ive had fun with white girls, Kissed white girls, Did something extra curricular activities with them. LOL, But Ive never dated 1. I have nothing against interracial dating Ive dated Spanish (Latina) & for a very short period Indian. I dont mean native American either lol. With White girls it just never progressed passed Lust. Its the 21st century I don't get mad when I see a black girl with a white dude. Why should I? Its their right to do what ever makes them happy. The truth is the majority of girls Ive dated were black. Why? Its extremely comfortable & its for lack of a better word EASY to do what feels & comes naturally. Hey when I look in the mirror the skin tone I see is beautiful. I identify with brown shades of skin tone b/c they are my own. Myself being a man who analyzes society I looked at America's history & how it tried to demonize black people & make it seem like Black wasn't beautiful. I internalized that & pretty much said the BLACKER THE BERRY THE SWEETER THE JUICE. I love black. Its beautiful sexy & lets be honest as far as physically who wouldn't be happy with a girl with a slim waist thick thighs & a bubble booty that makes a grown man cry? How ever every race has beauty & I see it & appreciate it. Naturally If I come across a women regardless what race she is. Shes smart funny reasonable & a good person. Id have no problem dating & having children. Love has no color & in life the early bird gets the worm. In this case the Early bird who is compatible with me. What makes me some what uneasy is when I hear people pretty much discount every race except 1. As if only 1 race can possibly be attractive. I understand preference but reality is created by your perception & the way you view & think about things. Basically your preference is created by your mind. So if you only like Asian girls & you've told your self blk whit & every other race is ugly. That to me is a mental issue you created for yourself. Pretty much what I'm trying to say is. If you're White & you only date white guys hey more power to you. If you're White & you only date black more power to you, However analyze your way of thinking & just maybe be open minded to the possibilities whatever or whoever they may be.
Interracial part 1.
Interracial part 1.
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