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Monday, January 31, 2011


People ask me am I arrogant all the time. My response is usually no Im confident but honestly Im 1 arrogant dude. At least sometimes. Nobody is 1 way all the time. I have reason to be so self assured. I have several talents in my opinion the least of them being able to make hot rhymes. Alot of people can make songs & even dance sing act the whole 9 yards. I would say my greatest asset is my ability to connect with people. To make people like me & even accept some times celebrate my flaws. In me they see the positivity & greatness they have or want to have in themselves. They also appreciate my shortcomings b/c it humanizes me & allows them to see a reflection of themselves in me. We all know you gotta love your self therefore you gotta love me. It's simple logic. Honestly my fans listen to my music not only b/c it's hot but b/c they love me. It's like parents being proud when their child does some thing great. That's my greatest gift my humanity. My ability to make others champion my actions b/c through me they champion themselves. If this makes me a little arrogant well I humbly ask you to forgive me. How ever if I can make some 1 going through a tough time feel better or write a song in the words that describe how you feel but you couldn't say it. Well shouldn't I be extremely proud of these achievements? Wouldn't you be? Aren't you that I can.

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