Welcome to the mind of Martel Prophet. Six pound records own. Here I'm just sharing my views & opinions about Music, entertainment, love, money & life in general. Id love to see what peoples opinions are on a lot of different things. Opinions are like belly buttons every body has 1. These are mine. Enjoy!!
About Me

- Martel Prophet
- If you dont like to think & you spend your whole life not trying to understand anything. Then get off my Blog.
Monday, January 31, 2011
People ask me am I arrogant all the time. My response is usually no Im confident but honestly Im 1 arrogant dude. At least sometimes. Nobody is 1 way all the time. I have reason to be so self assured. I have several talents in my opinion the least of them being able to make hot rhymes. Alot of people can make songs & even dance sing act the whole 9 yards. I would say my greatest asset is my ability to connect with people. To make people like me & even accept some times celebrate my flaws. In me they see the positivity & greatness they have or want to have in themselves. They also appreciate my shortcomings b/c it humanizes me & allows them to see a reflection of themselves in me. We all know you gotta love your self therefore you gotta love me. It's simple logic. Honestly my fans listen to my music not only b/c it's hot but b/c they love me. It's like parents being proud when their child does some thing great. That's my greatest gift my humanity. My ability to make others champion my actions b/c through me they champion themselves. If this makes me a little arrogant well I humbly ask you to forgive me. How ever if I can make some 1 going through a tough time feel better or write a song in the words that describe how you feel but you couldn't say it. Well shouldn't I be extremely proud of these achievements? Wouldn't you be? Aren't you that I can.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
This is crazy. Ive lived in NY my whole life. I never seen so much snow in 1 winter. Its crazy!! look at this
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The mind & reality
I'm a visionary so I see the future as it could be. What I realize as I interact with so many different people & cultures is that people have different perceptions of what reality is. What they consider right or wrong. Their moral compass may be totally different from yours. This is what defines a people or a culture.
Too many people think there is wrong & there is right. No shades of Gray, no in between. In reality there are many shades of Gray between what we consider right & what we consider wrong.
One example people usually love to use is Would you kill a new born innocent baby to save the rest of humanity? Of course people feel murder is wrong. How ever is murdering 1 innocent to save billions of innocents justified?
Why I bring this up? If we are to shape a better future for ourselves & our children, we have to tackle the complexities of what future do we consider good. Do we pursue a future where America is a country of luxury? Where we consume so much of the worlds natural resources & exist in a culture where we seem oblivious or unconcerned about people in other nations starving & dying from diseases that we never even heard of b/c our society is developed.
The best thing about being comfortable is sometimes forgetting about those who are uncomfortable
Too many people think there is wrong & there is right. No shades of Gray, no in between. In reality there are many shades of Gray between what we consider right & what we consider wrong.
One example people usually love to use is Would you kill a new born innocent baby to save the rest of humanity? Of course people feel murder is wrong. How ever is murdering 1 innocent to save billions of innocents justified?
Why I bring this up? If we are to shape a better future for ourselves & our children, we have to tackle the complexities of what future do we consider good. Do we pursue a future where America is a country of luxury? Where we consume so much of the worlds natural resources & exist in a culture where we seem oblivious or unconcerned about people in other nations starving & dying from diseases that we never even heard of b/c our society is developed.
The best thing about being comfortable is sometimes forgetting about those who are uncomfortable
Monday, January 17, 2011
Seperating Good Mc's from Bad ( wack rapper)
I think A lot of People don't realize what makes a MC good, great , legendary etc. Why a dude like Soulja boy or Bow wow who has sold alot of records, has a lot of fans & continually makes money doesn't get respected like a rapper like Kanye or Jayz or Lil Wayne. Which is funny I'm mentioning lil Wayne as a rapper that gets respect when early in his career he wasn't respected as such. Anyway Ill tell you why he & others are respected.
People get it twisted. They think its b/c rappers like Jayz or Fabolous got street cred or real money & they talk about guns etc.. NO!
That maybe why hustlers & dudes in the streets respect them. They can look at the rappers history & it matches up with the lyrics so yes they respect them on that level. However thats not why they respect them as rappers.
They respect them as rappers b/c of the lyrical artistry within the rhymes. A respected rapper is respected b/c his lyrics are so different & so well crafted & created from the Average person. Anybody can rhyme words.
Cat hat fat that-- Its not hard lol. What earns respect is when to Quote Nas "I never sleep cuz sleep is the cousin of death" That stands out so dramatically to people. For an MC to see something as simple as sleep & see the correlation between death & rest & then format that into a rhyme that makes you analyze & perhaps change your perception on what you're hearing that's prolific.
To quote Kanye, " So Much head I woke up to sleep hollow" A lil more crude but the artistic way & use of word play to describe something as human & every one can relate to as Oral sex is a gift. To take metaphors ,amp; similes & satire & incorporate that into a verse where you're also rhyming the words is what makes an Mc great & respected for his Lyrics.
That's why Eminem is respected. he rarely talks about street life or what people consider the Gangsta thug life. Yet he's respected as a rapper. The reason is b/c his lyrics & flow are sculpted like an artist would create a beautiful woman out of marble. Its so different from the way the average person would rap.
I don't have anything against artist like Soulja boy or Bow wow personally. If the question was are they good Rap artist I would say yes. They're making money , selling records & they have a great fan base.
But are they respected rappers b/c they're lyrics are prolific or so creatively amazing? NO!!
A rapper who can take words & structure them within bars that created verses & then say these words with a flow that goes perfectly with a beat & rhythm That's incredible. But then to add that the words they use utilize all the literary techniques like Metaphors allegory's etc & make you Think figure out & become mentally invested in trying to solve the lyrical puzzles that the MC is saying. That's what gets the respect.
People get it twisted. They think its b/c rappers like Jayz or Fabolous got street cred or real money & they talk about guns etc.. NO!
That maybe why hustlers & dudes in the streets respect them. They can look at the rappers history & it matches up with the lyrics so yes they respect them on that level. However thats not why they respect them as rappers.
They respect them as rappers b/c of the lyrical artistry within the rhymes. A respected rapper is respected b/c his lyrics are so different & so well crafted & created from the Average person. Anybody can rhyme words.
Cat hat fat that-- Its not hard lol. What earns respect is when to Quote Nas "I never sleep cuz sleep is the cousin of death" That stands out so dramatically to people. For an MC to see something as simple as sleep & see the correlation between death & rest & then format that into a rhyme that makes you analyze & perhaps change your perception on what you're hearing that's prolific.
To quote Kanye, " So Much head I woke up to sleep hollow" A lil more crude but the artistic way & use of word play to describe something as human & every one can relate to as Oral sex is a gift. To take metaphors ,amp; similes & satire & incorporate that into a verse where you're also rhyming the words is what makes an Mc great & respected for his Lyrics.
That's why Eminem is respected. he rarely talks about street life or what people consider the Gangsta thug life. Yet he's respected as a rapper. The reason is b/c his lyrics & flow are sculpted like an artist would create a beautiful woman out of marble. Its so different from the way the average person would rap.
I don't have anything against artist like Soulja boy or Bow wow personally. If the question was are they good Rap artist I would say yes. They're making money , selling records & they have a great fan base.
But are they respected rappers b/c they're lyrics are prolific or so creatively amazing? NO!!
A rapper who can take words & structure them within bars that created verses & then say these words with a flow that goes perfectly with a beat & rhythm That's incredible. But then to add that the words they use utilize all the literary techniques like Metaphors allegory's etc & make you Think figure out & become mentally invested in trying to solve the lyrical puzzles that the MC is saying. That's what gets the respect.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Im Diggin this site 4 real
Ill keep it short & simple. Like the concept behind this site. For all the dudes out there who can identify with how I feel yall need to read this blog & check this site out.
www.PassorSmash.com Genuis. Heres the concept Pictures of the sexiest females & you vote whether you would smash (have sex with) for my non Ebonics understanding people or Pass.
So check it out

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Light Skin Rappers back in style?
I feel this post is worth talking about. I noticed for a short period in the black community light skin, bi-racial dudes specifically were almost treated like a brand that went out of style. I personally never subscribed to that way of thinking, but I cant lie I did go along with it & even laughed a few times when people said it. I guess the idea that a skin color could go out of style was just humorous in some ways.
You had Comedians, entertainers & rappers saying it.
Theres a song by Kanye where he actually Spits. "Im ah make sure these light skin niggas never come back in style..." lol Which brings me to this point in time
At what point did it happen? lol. Was it Ludacris that brought them back? Is T.I. lighter than Luda? Did it start with Luda & gradually get lighter until we got to Drake? The lightest motha fukka in the Game? lol
I mean Drake is border line Albino ( Im just joking homie) Shout out to the homie Drake & Young Money.
But its a serious question that just happens to be comedic.
Maybe it was Eminem? Em being completely white may have been like shit, if a white boy can do it well A light skin brotha gotta be able to lol. I mean I dont know... What do yall think? comment Retweet this on Twitter lets get a convo going
-Martel Prophet
You had Comedians, entertainers & rappers saying it.
Theres a song by Kanye where he actually Spits. "Im ah make sure these light skin niggas never come back in style..." lol Which brings me to this point in time
At what point did it happen? lol. Was it Ludacris that brought them back? Is T.I. lighter than Luda? Did it start with Luda & gradually get lighter until we got to Drake? The lightest motha fukka in the Game? lol
I mean Drake is border line Albino ( Im just joking homie) Shout out to the homie Drake & Young Money.
But its a serious question that just happens to be comedic.
Maybe it was Eminem? Em being completely white may have been like shit, if a white boy can do it well A light skin brotha gotta be able to lol. I mean I dont know... What do yall think? comment Retweet this on Twitter lets get a convo going
-Martel Prophet
Thursday, January 13, 2011
I would really love if Ny1, Cnn, or even Fox News , Somebody anybody covered a story about Cell phone companies & their customer service. I recently had an issue with my monthly bill raising $10 unexpectedly. As any one would I called Sprints Customer service. At this time I was told the $10 raise was due to a $10 service credit expiring. From that instant I was put on hold several times & transfered to about 3 people. The last whom which stated she was a Supervisor. (pause for laughter) At this time she reiterated the same thing the other 2 Sprint representatives had already informed me of. I was left confused. I never asked to speak to any one else. Each representative transfered me leaving me to believe that the next person would some how resolve my issue. I was met with great disappointment that All each one did was repeat the same thing. They were probably reading off a screen. Why couldn't the 1st person tell me there is no way any one can resolve the issue? Why is customer service so incompetent? It took me 3 people & about 40 mins for the last person to tell me, "You can not receive a new service credit b/c Sprint has discontinued service credits & they are no longer in the system to even be re-applied". Another question is was what she stated even true? Was it impossible or was she just writing off a loyal valued customer who has been with Sprint for close to 10 yrs b/c Sprint is a money hungry corporation who cares more about their bottom line then their customers?
I guess in closing, its not about the money or the $10 credit. Its the principal in the situation. Customer service is so horrible these days. Either you get some 1 with the worse accent you cant understand or You get some 1 who is an idiot who cant understand you.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Do white girls want a big booty like black women?
I saw a video on youtube that proposed this. "White women want a big bootys like black women". Obviously its the latest big thing, Pun intended. Lets be honest its a beautiful sight when a girl with a nice slim waist has a beautiful round Ass. Waist to ass ratio of course is very important. But even a girl who has a lil stomach can get alot of sexy point as long as her booty sticks out way more than her lil gut. I notice alot of white women are using butt pads in their jeans & shorts. Also theyre buying all these body shaping garments that make the booty stick out more. I cant say for sure that all white women want big juicy sexy black girl bootys. lol But I can say some of them obviously do & why not. Men love em. I love em lol...
Saturday, January 8, 2011
NOW HIRING!!! Models, Promoters Marketing, Dancers, Intern Assistants HIRING!!! NOW!!!
Sixpound Records/ENT is now seeking highly motivated people to join the 6pound Family.
Positions available are as follows.
Promoters: Be instrumental in promoting all events party's & projects ie: Mix tapes, Albums, Shows etc. (PAYMENT) Earn a percentage based on how many people you attract to specific events such as party's or other 6Poound events where patrons will be paying an admissions fee for entry. As a promoter your job will be to help our company grow, therefore generating more finances which will potentially earn YOU more money.
Models: Be active & play a big role in photo shoots with artist, Advertising for the company as well as individual career opportunities to further advance your own career aspirations.
(Payment) Will be paid per specific events or 6pound records will broker & manage your career & find outside clients who will furnish payments. 6pound will garnish a standard 20 percent management fee. Some modeling will be done by our models for free. This is to gain exposure for yourself & to help promote 6pound records/Ent.
Dancers: Be an important part of our artist performances as well as be apart of promotion & marketing campaigns. Bringing exposure to your unique gifts of dance & allow a bigger market to see your talent. Such activities as public marketing Video marketing (online video) Dancing at events.
(Payment) Will be based on the type of event or marketing. Dancers may be paid Various different dollar amounts based on the event or money earned by 6pound records ent. Dancers must be willing to perform for free. 6pound will ensure you gain exposure & recognition for all your performances. This will advance your career.
INTERNS: Need experience? Join 6pound Records/ent today & gain that experience needed. Duties may include Assisting 6pound Management, making phone calls, setting up appointments, going to events as a representative for 6Pound Records. Help with coordination between Promoters, models & dancers & 6pound Owners. Must be articulate, able to follow instructions & have a clean presentable appearance. Must have computer skills such as being familiar with emails, knowing how to use Office ex: word, & navigating social websites. Be able to type & use proper grammar when sending emails or writing.
Contact us via email @ Marketing6poundRecords@gmail.com INCLUDE your contact person is MARTEL PROPHET in the body of the email. Please Put in the subject line. Seeking the position youre applying for. Ex: Seeking The modeling position. Include your contact info so we can get in touch with you. If you have a resume include that as well.
Also visit our site www.sixpoundrecords.com
Thanks for applying & hopefully we will be working together soon.
Positions available are as follows.
Promoters: Be instrumental in promoting all events party's & projects ie: Mix tapes, Albums, Shows etc. (PAYMENT) Earn a percentage based on how many people you attract to specific events such as party's or other 6Poound events where patrons will be paying an admissions fee for entry. As a promoter your job will be to help our company grow, therefore generating more finances which will potentially earn YOU more money.
Models: Be active & play a big role in photo shoots with artist, Advertising for the company as well as individual career opportunities to further advance your own career aspirations.
(Payment) Will be paid per specific events or 6pound records will broker & manage your career & find outside clients who will furnish payments. 6pound will garnish a standard 20 percent management fee. Some modeling will be done by our models for free. This is to gain exposure for yourself & to help promote 6pound records/Ent.
(Payment) Will be based on the type of event or marketing. Dancers may be paid Various different dollar amounts based on the event or money earned by 6pound records ent. Dancers must be willing to perform for free. 6pound will ensure you gain exposure & recognition for all your performances. This will advance your career.
Contact us via email @ Marketing6poundRecords@gmail.com INCLUDE your contact person is MARTEL PROPHET in the body of the email. Please Put in the subject line. Seeking the position youre applying for. Ex: Seeking The modeling position. Include your contact info so we can get in touch with you. If you have a resume include that as well.
Also visit our site www.sixpoundrecords.com
Thanks for applying & hopefully we will be working together soon.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Pitiful Follower #s so far lol just 1 follower
Damn hell yeah it sucks when you start a blog & you the only nigga following yourself lol... hahaha Its all good though At this point I got over 5100 twitter followers & rising. I got over 362,000 views on youtube. I got heavy traffic on sixpoundrecords.com site. I got things popping on Reverb Nation. shows popping off money coming in. Im not saying this to Brag!! No!! Im saying this b/c even though right now My Blog presence might be pitiful. Hey I just started & my other sites got my web presence buzzing & growing. This is just going to take time to build. That time is worth it. You get out of life what you put in. So I go in Heavy!
If you do decide to follow me on here. I just want to say in in advance God bless you. I really appreciate you.
You wont be disappointed, Martel Prophet & 6pound records Got so much in store for you & the industry & stuff already out you can enjoy . So Enjoy & stay beautiful
-Martel Prophet
If you do decide to follow me on here. I just want to say in in advance God bless you. I really appreciate you.
You wont be disappointed, Martel Prophet & 6pound records Got so much in store for you & the industry & stuff already out you can enjoy . So Enjoy & stay beautiful
-Martel Prophet
Monday, January 3, 2011
Hip Hop Music
I just wanted to type something real quick about music. Hip hop music to be exact. My thing or should I say problem with alot of hip hop music is now its become like a Drug dealer. Its not about the art or an artist trying to express himself through music. Its what do these Fiends want to get them high. Oh you want big booty song. I got that. Oh you want a song that comes with a dance. I got that. Oh you want a song about me spending money you wont ever have but you wanna fantasize through this track. I got that. etc etc ... Its like wtf? Nah man Hip hop at the end of the day is an art form. where are the emotions? The sad thing is you cant tell these niggaz nothing. Think about it. Artist like Em, Kanye, Jay z Nas who have had the most longevity actually make music that you can relate with emotionally. All these hot flash booty song party song makers burn out quick. 1 hit 1 maybe 2 albums & then they're dust in the wind. I'm not saying become like Common sense or Chuck D but damn write about real sh*t. Things that have a possibility of becoming classics. Dont just make music thats hot now but 10- 15 yrs from now youll be made fun of on some Cable tv show. People saying how corny & lame you were.
Hiphop is alive but it has a serious limp & PTSD
Hop hop need counseling & rehabilitation. lol
-Martel Prophet
Hiphop is alive but it has a serious limp & PTSD
Hop hop need counseling & rehabilitation. lol
-Martel Prophet
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Gold Diggas exposed check the VId/song at the bottom
Gold diggas exposed. In this case 1 particular Gold digga. I messed with a lot of chicks. Things dont work out. You may feel a kinda way b/c the person pissed you off or you pissed them off & words were said ( "Bitch ass nigga" ) ( "stupid ass bitch" ) Ya know, lol. But A brother like myself usually gets over it & I can honestly say most of my ex's are still cool with me. That's b/c I keep it 100 & they know that sh*t. They may not want that in a man b/c a lot of females like that fantasy world dont want to really face reality bull shit. Anyway... This 1 chick though. Every time I think of her. I know shes a gold digger. Shes the worse kind of chick.& That's b/c she doesn't even realize shes foul or if she does she makes it seem like she doesn't know. Its really convincing.
This chick uses P*ssy & good brain to try to hook a nigga with money lol.
She is notorious for sending Full frontal Pornographic pics & video. I still got like a whole collection of em. No you cant see them. I said shes's foul not me.
Im talking masturbation ass naked in the shower moaning freaky ass shit.
Then she tries to hit you with the okey doke sob stories. & what she would do if she had money. Like open a business buy jewelry, cars, clothes or a condo.
What makes it really bad is she seems to only date entertainers. Her ex is a R&B singer who she didnt mind him cheating or being on tour away for months as long as he kept this chick in a certain lifestyle. Ya know the house, bills paid, her shoe collection etc...
Now in my book that's a gold digga.
How do you tell a dude in the industry that you dont mind him cheating as long as its outside the home. That's automatic gold digga Alarms like huh? This chick only want the lifestyle.
But like I said the head game is crazy & this broad is a true freak Im taking licking under the sack lol making you squirm type brain lol . So you go through the motions but you test her & see where she at. What I did was make it seem like I wasnt giving her any bread. Like I thought she would, she started actin different, lol. All that you can f*ck other chicks goes out the window. Along with you can no longer just say anything. Now everything is scrutinized & she over analyzing everything arguing about dumb sh*t can you say ( GOLD DIGGER ALERT) Now if I continued to buy her shoes clothing & help her with bills I bet her ass would calm down... But I got a Gold digga detector & that aint happenin...
So you break up. Low & behold the same R&B singer she swears turned into an alcoholic womanizer & she'd never get back with him is the Nigga she turns back to hopping all over his d*ck? Ok! well in this music biz I expect Gold diggas but she really fooled me at 1st. lol Lets see if the homie takes her back or gets that good ol head she gives until he's bored with her or she has another psychological bi polar break down. Who knows she does know how to cook up some grub. Maybe they will work... I doubt it though, she getting older & not looking as cute as she may have b4 lol... Well time is a b*tch & so is this chick. I still wish her the best. Hey in the famous words of Ice Cube " Hoes gotta eat too" Cant knock a hustle. I just cant let her hustle me.
-Martel Prophet
This chick uses P*ssy & good brain to try to hook a nigga with money lol.
She is notorious for sending Full frontal Pornographic pics & video. I still got like a whole collection of em. No you cant see them. I said shes's foul not me.
Im talking masturbation ass naked in the shower moaning freaky ass shit.
Then she tries to hit you with the okey doke sob stories. & what she would do if she had money. Like open a business buy jewelry, cars, clothes or a condo.
What makes it really bad is she seems to only date entertainers. Her ex is a R&B singer who she didnt mind him cheating or being on tour away for months as long as he kept this chick in a certain lifestyle. Ya know the house, bills paid, her shoe collection etc...
Now in my book that's a gold digga.
How do you tell a dude in the industry that you dont mind him cheating as long as its outside the home. That's automatic gold digga Alarms like huh? This chick only want the lifestyle.
But like I said the head game is crazy & this broad is a true freak Im taking licking under the sack lol making you squirm type brain lol . So you go through the motions but you test her & see where she at. What I did was make it seem like I wasnt giving her any bread. Like I thought she would, she started actin different, lol. All that you can f*ck other chicks goes out the window. Along with you can no longer just say anything. Now everything is scrutinized & she over analyzing everything arguing about dumb sh*t can you say ( GOLD DIGGER ALERT) Now if I continued to buy her shoes clothing & help her with bills I bet her ass would calm down... But I got a Gold digga detector & that aint happenin...
So you break up. Low & behold the same R&B singer she swears turned into an alcoholic womanizer & she'd never get back with him is the Nigga she turns back to hopping all over his d*ck? Ok! well in this music biz I expect Gold diggas but she really fooled me at 1st. lol Lets see if the homie takes her back or gets that good ol head she gives until he's bored with her or she has another psychological bi polar break down. Who knows she does know how to cook up some grub. Maybe they will work... I doubt it though, she getting older & not looking as cute as she may have b4 lol... Well time is a b*tch & so is this chick. I still wish her the best. Hey in the famous words of Ice Cube " Hoes gotta eat too" Cant knock a hustle. I just cant let her hustle me.
-Martel Prophet
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