What people have to realize 1st & foremost is Elections are competitions. One side will always point out the negative of their opponent. When you look at Democrats or Republicans both obviously have negative traits. Its easy to exploit these & paint a horrible image of your opponent. The goal in doing this is of course to get people to vote for you & not the other person.
So Im not surprised & no one should be when The Republican candidates try to negatively criticize President Obama. What I am upset about is the blatant lies & mis-information these republican candidates say. Point of view is king in a debate. If the crowd aka potential voters have a point of view thats favorable to you. Well then you've already won.
So republicans & Fox news have been trying to get America to have this point of view that
1 The stimulus package Obama signed failed
2 The Health care law Obama signed is Horrible & a monster
3 That Obama isnt a great Leader & is un able to fix our problems
4 That some how Obama has made things worse.
Now Im telling that all these statements are lies. Ill show you how. First when Obama became president The Banks were failing, The auto industry was failing, Wall street was in the gutter & had lost trillions of dollars. HORRIBLE STUFF The country was losing 100s of thousands if not Millions of Jobs Weekly & monthly again HORRIBLE STUFF!!! Stuff that if not corrected wouldnt have us in just a bad recession but if left unchecked would have lead America into a Depression. America being the Powerful economic nation it is that would have sent the GLOBAL economies in an even worse state. & that would have then came back on to America making things 1000 times worse.
Not only did the Stimulus Save the Banks, Save wall street, Stop the country from continuing to lose Millions of jobs, Save the auto industry as we know it. It also saved alot of people from losing their homes, Allowed people to continue to go to college Allowed States & cities to continue to have teachers fire fighters & police to keep our cities running,
All these things happened b/c of the Stimulus bill. NOt to mention it Stopped the Damn country from having a complete economic collapse. If you think things are bad now YOure right. BUT TRUST ME & ask any economist with out that Stimulus bill America would be 100 times worse I mean Food lines like in the Great Depression worse. I mean Crime waves like you aint never seen worse.
SO I think Obama signing the stimulus was GREAT & necessary. It may have not done every thing they said it would do. However it did the important things to stabilize our Country & stop us from Going completely OFF THE CLIFF!
The health Care Laws. Hey ABOUT TIME. This is America & the idea that some people here still die b/c they cant afford health care is horrible. You cant blame Obama for trying to remedy that. For all the End of the world Crap Republicans were saying about the health care law. Nothing changed yet accept positive things so far. Republicans are still painting this bleak picture of The Govt telling you what doctor to go to & what medicines you can get & what you cant. ALL is BUll Sh... Its lies Plain & simple. You will keep your doctor nothing will change. Even now the Mandate part of the law is being challenged & ultimately will be taken out of the Law so people who were complaining about that. Well what are you going to complain about NOW?
Look not Only did Obama stop our economy & Nation from going off the economic cliff he is going to allow millions of people who couldn't get health care have more access to it. He Killed OSAMA BIN LADEN or at least gave the green light to do it. He is going to end 2 wars that he inherited that Bush started. Have you seen Washington. Republicans in Congress seem to be like 5 yr olds. They want everything their way & don't want to compromise. Yet Obama still has gotten many things he wanted done. Its not only till Republicans won more seats & have more power that things have slowed down in Progress. America You have to blame your damn selves for that. You put these Republican Teaparty people ( republicans in disguise ) in office. What has it got us A downgrade from AAA to AA which will affect us negatively & more bickering & petty arguing.
In my opinion the fact that Obama has still done so much shows me hes A GREAT LEADER. Its easy to lead people who agree with everything you agree with or know how to compromise with things they dont agree with. However for Obama to not only get things done but get them done with people like Republicans who disagree with damn near everything he wants & arent willing to compromise on so many things. Thats shows a real Leader. He's doing a great job. Its congress & the republicans in congress who are stopping progress.
I think Republicans will continue to lie & distort the truth. They will continue to Stand by their ideas even when we have seen that these ideas are the same ideas that got us into this mess 8 yrs of BUSH. Less regulations less govt, Lets be So tough & forget about real diplomacy that we end up in 2 wars we cant pay for. Lets continue to give tax breaks to Billionaires & millionaires & hope they hire people. When we know they wont they will sit on their money & fly their jets & buy more summer homes lol. These ideas have failed. We seen them under Bush. Yet these Republicans still talk about these ideas like they re new & are the solution. lol its funny to me.
The last things Ill say All these Republicans are quick to say Obama Failed as a president. Why?
Is it because he hasn't completely done all the things he said he would do?
Well Ill say this. According to these Republicans they would Say GOD failed if they would have been there on day 3 of God creating the Earth. HAHAHA lol
Obama has only been President for 2 1/2 years he's half way through his Term. How can you say some one failed when they're only half way through the Job?
Actually even after his 1st term Obama will still only be Half way b/c Obama needs 8 years to fix the CRAP bush took 8 years to mess up. The worse thing we could do is put a Republican back in the white house & have him or her put back the same Failed ideas Bush had. If a Republican came fourth & just amazed me by putting fourth ideas that were so different from Bush so great & reflected the realities of these Modern Americas problems then Id be like ok. Id weigh them against Obamas ideas & choose. How ever as of now. They're saying the same crap that didn't work. I'm not a fool & hopefully you aren't either. Lets re- elect Obama & let him continue to fix the Crap Republicans made.
Welcome to the mind of Martel Prophet. Six pound records own. Here I'm just sharing my views & opinions about Music, entertainment, love, money & life in general. Id love to see what peoples opinions are on a lot of different things. Opinions are like belly buttons every body has 1. These are mine. Enjoy!!
About Me

- Martel Prophet
- If you dont like to think & you spend your whole life not trying to understand anything. Then get off my Blog.
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