6pound Nation membership
Perks: Free merchandise, access to shows & 6pound sponsored events, Meeting artist V.I.P status, Music.Contest, Win Money $$$ prizes,
Being apart of history, meeting new people, new social circles of friends and settings.
Being apart of something special & adding your uniqueness to it. And more...
The goal enjoy life to the fullest with positive people and create success for you and others you care for.
1) Earn the official 6pound members T-shirt
by recruiting other members & spreading the 6pound message. starting your own chapters
:Chapters are groups within 6pound nation that are composed of multiple 6pound members under a captain ( friends and Family)
The capt can assign 2- 3 lieutenants
These 2 or 3 lieutenants can take the place of the captain only when the captain gives permission and assigns 1 of the 3 to be in charge.
All 6pound members are equal. However the captain has to manage the groups when any thing comes up. Make phone calls send emails if necessary. example: Shows or events and we want to organize 6pound members in able to accomplish a goal.
Any member if he or she chooses can start their own Chapter if they are able to be a good leader & organize.
2) Promotion
The purpose of the 6pound nation is to spread awareness of 1s self worth and worthiness ( AND HAVE FUN)
Education : Knowing it does not only come from school or college but learning about the world and things around you.
illuminating : becoming aware and shedding light on your enviornment and how to become a better person. A more productive person and a positive force in society
The more members you recruit the more the message is spread. The better the community you live in will be.
3) Loyalty
:Staying loyal to the 6pound Nation.
Loyalty to fellow members. A commitment to each other & your community.
Realizing that by helping each other in positive ways you better your self and your community.
The best way to reach success is to have people in your circle who will be able to look out for you and you can look out for them. A 1 foot in the door mentality. If you can get 1 foot in the door then you can get your self all the way in and leave it open for your family & friends. (6pound members)
4) Respect
Respect your self and your fellow 6pound members. To respect your self you must know what respect is.
Believe you are worth being respected, Hold your self in high regard and show others the same respect you now know you deserve.
:Moral guide
Keeping a constant state of peace and positive energy as much as possible.
Do not try to belittle any 1 or blow out any other 6pound members candle so you can shine.
If we shine together the light is brighter.
Success can be achieved faster by team work ( 1 hand washes the other & both wash the face)
The number 1 philosophy of 6pound is to have fun be able to dance, sing, party and enjoy life. Do this at any level you want be as wild as you want just do it where it doesn't hurt or bring negativity to others.
6) Remember
6pound Nation is a movement and you are now apart of something that is a positive force. Always try to remain that positive force . Controlling your destiny means taking responsibility. This brings weight on your shoulders but as a 6pound member you are strong enough to do that so... GET HEAVY!
Check out www.sixpoundrecords.com
Follow @Martelprophet on twitter & @SixpoundNation
become a fan on Reverbnation.com/sixpound
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become a friend to MartelProphet on facebook & Sixpoundrecords on facebook.
Welcome to the mind of Martel Prophet. Six pound records own. Here I'm just sharing my views & opinions about Music, entertainment, love, money & life in general. Id love to see what peoples opinions are on a lot of different things. Opinions are like belly buttons every body has 1. These are mine. Enjoy!!
About Me

- Martel Prophet
- If you dont like to think & you spend your whole life not trying to understand anything. Then get off my Blog.
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